The news.🌺

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Z's P.

I didn't wanna be asked any questions cause I know my emotional side won't be able to hold back.

"Are you alright?",

Imraan asks and everyone turned to look at me.

"Umm! yah I am fine",

I smile nervously cause my sisters are shooting glares at me.

"You've been like that since you came from Allah knows where?",

Sayaad complains as I press my lips harder cause of how I am in the verge of breaking down.

"Where did you go?",

Humaiza asks curiously as i gulp, unable to control myself tears escaped my eyes.

"I have a serious headache",

I lie tryna smile but failing so bad.
While listening to their talks i heard Poppi's sound.

"Waaleikum salaam",

We look at eachother and head down hurriedly.

Ya Allah please no.

My eyes lands on Granpa as I felt like a huge shock.

Is he here for__ Ya Allah,

"Assalaam aleikum",

We greet Him as he's eyes landed on me.

"Waaleikum salaam",

He replies with a smirk as he looks at me intensely.

This won't end well.

"Kids go upstairs",

Poppi disperse us as i gulp walking slowly.

"Wow! me and imraan despite being married we are called kids",

Safirah jokes making others to Giggle except me cause I know my decision is gonna ruin everything.



We heard mommy shouting, Granpa shouting too following with Nonni and poppi's sound.

"What is going on there?",

Lara,Humaiza's friend asks as Humaiza scoffed.

"Wrong question?",

Humaiza huffs staring at us.

"Right one is, What new mess did that old man create now?",

Everyone chuckled.

"Behave hummy".

Imraan warns her in a mid of chuckling .

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