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Zamzam's Pov.

"Please tell me", His voice laced with fear.

"It's you! Us!", I yell pushing him away.

"It's nothing like how we assumed it'll be Azaad, it's nothing like before", I softly say while wiping my tears.

"I miss you, yearn for you but we are so busy even for eachother__i barely see you", I sigh.

"I wanna hug you, touch you, talk to you about my day and you about yours, laugh or maybe just sit together b_", I cover my face with my palms.

"Yes i am desperate about you, I want us like before but now we are so far far away", I sob on my hands.

'What have i done.

I cry more not cause of letting things out and feel better but knowing how Azaad is in being emotionaly self-insecured.

I feel his hands pulling me onto his chest as i take in his scent and cry.

"I miss you so much", I whisper as i hug him tight.

"I am sorry", He whispers.

"I am sorry for avoiding you, i am sorry i let you feel this way", He pulls away as i sniffle.

He makes me sit as him kneeling infront of me taking my hands.

"I made a mistake, i thought now i have you close so that's it, i did what i wasn't supposed to do", He sighs cupping my face.

"I am supposed to make you feel loved like how you've been doing, give you my time like how you give me yours despite avoiding you, make you feel special but i__", He casts down as i cup his jaws and raise his face.

"Don't your busy, i shouldn't have said all of those things", I pout before crying once again.

"Don't apologize",

I pout as he sits beside me and wipe my tears before hugging me and kiss my forehead.

"You always push away my mistakes, But that doesn't mean I'm not wrong".

He says patting my back.

"I'm sorry love",

"I love you",

He rubs my back as i wipe my face on his chest.

"I can't lose you", He whispers.

"So can't i", I pout as he kissed my pout.

As i hug him i feel his hand caressing my back slowly as i feel butterflies erupting in me.

I pull away as he pulls me closer and lock our lips against eachother kissing me slowly and passionately as i kiss him back as he pace up kissing me roughly and intensely as his hands travelling through my back.

He pulls his shirt off and pull me against him kissing my lips more harder as a moan escapes my lips.

He trailes lips to my jaws down to my neck sucking every bit of my exposed skin as i feel tremors of desires eruptiing in my body and tingles between my legs.

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