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To put it lightly, Trent was a piece of shit. He was another dirty cop, I soon found out, one who used his power of authority to his advantage. He had told me how much the dance was going to be, and pulled out a bag of coke as I walked him through one of the rooms towards the back of the venue. He told me that because it was his birthday, I should do a line with him. I told him a firm no, and walked over to set the music up. Unbelievable.

"Suit yourself, Princess," he said with a laugh. He racked up a perfectly straight line on the table, and it was gone the next second. He grinned at me, dusting off the the white specs off his nose before smoothing out his jeans and waited for me to begin.

He wanted a lap dance, and not just any lap dance. He wanted it on his terms. Given the words of warning he whispered in my ear, I had to grind down on my teeth and his fingers wandered across my bare skin.

"Tell me something," he groaned in my ear as I swung my legs over his. I did my best to keep my chest from touching his, but his large hand gripped my back, tugging me closer until he could whisper in my ear. "Is it daddy issues or mommy issues that made you want to be a stripper, hmm?"

Both. My parents were dead, jackass, and they left
me with a mountain of debts to pay. That's the only reason I'm grinding on your lap right now. I'm sure you feel like the man having someone half your age in your lap.

"Neither," I whispered in his ear, before getting up and sitting myself down on the small table he had just snorted off. I spread my legs and titled my head back, trying my best not to loose my cool. My own hands wandered down my legs, until I turned to show my ass off.

"I don't believe you," he laughed, his fingers brushing against my thigh as he leaned closer. "A pretty girl like you has a story."

I smirked at him over my shoulder and shook my head, tired of this small talk already. "Maybe I just like dancing."

He bit his lip, eyes watching as I tugged on my small skirt. "Maybe, you sure are good at it."

Fucking Bill. Last time I dance for his friends. Bill usually wasn't too bad, just watched and usually asked for multiple girls. He paid well. His friend, not so much.

I continued my dance for Trent, hating every minute of it. He slapped a note on my ass when it was over, thanking me for the dance and telling me he would be back to see how my ass swung next week. All I could do was smile and nod.

As I walked him out, I glanced around the venue, looking out for Danny before I approached the bar and motioned for Jane, the bartender. "Give me a vodka shot," I practically begged. "I can't do this shift sober."

She laughed at me, shaking her head but forwarded a vodka shot without a word. "Thanks babe," I muttered before downing it. It burnt my throat, but I hoped the liquid would lighten me up. I downed another three before Jane shooed me off.

So far I hadn't made too much money, and I needed at least two thousand by tomorrow evening. My bills were all set to come out tomorrow and I still was behind on my rent. I had been so caught up paying for what my parents left me, I had basically forgotten my own bills. Leave it to two drugged up parents to leave their only daughter with thousands of dollars worth of debt. I had been paying my parents bills since I was old enough to work, and now, they're both dead and still causing me trouble. I sighed, and rubbed my temples. I didn't need this stress right now.

I was about to disappear into the back room, but Harry caught my attention. He was standing at the other end of the bar, his eyes looking across the entire venue, like it was a puzzle he didn't understand. A strange feeling of guilt took over me. I felt bad for making him wait. He looked so out of place, I wondered why he hadn't left yet. He clearly hadn't gotten a dance from anyone and was waiting for me. Sighing to myself, I made myself walk over to him, plastering a tight smile on my lips. The sooner this was over, the better.

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