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Niall's words of warning hung heavy in my ears. So much so, I found myself walking the empty streets towards Sophia's work. I had changed from my trousers and shirt, into a simple black shirt and jeans. I may or may not of stood in the mirror and fixed my hair for twenty minutes before I gave up and stalked out of my apartment. I told myself that I was just going there to plant a few cameras, to be ahead of the game and to watch if anything suspicious happened, though a part of me just wanted to check on Sophia to make sure she was okay. Last night was a lot to handle, and I couldn't imagine how she would be feeling. I also wanted a distraction to the chaos from work. I had meetings after meetings with Louis, Niall and a few other men about the breach in the system and what was to happen with those guards. Niall had offered to take on the challenge of organizing their form of torture. I hadn't wanted to be apart of it, but Louis insisted. Nobody ever said no to Louis. So before I had to witness the blood and gore of a night of torture, I thought I would ease my mind with Sophia.

As usual, the atmosphere of the strip club sent a wave of uneasiness through my body. Every lady who worked eyed me with lust, giggling as they asked me if I wanted a dance. I shook my head politely and declined them, my eyes searching for a  certain brunette with soft curves and sad eyes. It was the only girl I would let touch me.

I found her pressed up against a man in the middle of the venue, her hips swaying to the beat of the music that pounded through the speakers. The flickering lights made it look as if she was moving in slow motion. I had no right to feel the rage run through my body, but I did. It ran through my body like a hot flame, and I had to shove my hands deep inside my pockets to stop them squeezing my own skin until it bled. I was thankful I had arrived at what seemed to be the end of the dance though. I watched as Sophia offered the a man a smile as the song finished, before she walked away, tucking the money she earned into her bra.

Her body was covered in black tonight, it made her pale skin stand out a lot more. She was mesmerizing, even if she did walk with a annoyed scowl on her face.

She was about to round the corner and head behind some curtains before she spotted me, lurking around the entrance of the club. She did a double take, her features softening for a movement before hardening again. Crossing her arms over her chest, she stalked over to me. I wondered how on earth she could move with grace in heels that big. They honestly looked painful.

"What are you doing here?" She asked slowly, her eyebrows furrowing together. "You can't be here, Harry. This is my workplace."

I wanted to remind her that I was suppose to be protecting her, and that meant I needed to be around her often, but the words got stuck in my throat. She looked nervous to see me, and I didn't like it. I didn't want her to be afraid of me. It made me break eye contact quickly and look around the room. .

"I just came to have a look at everything," I told her with a small shrug. I kept my eyes on the floor before meeting her eyes. "I just wanted to make sure you were safe tonight."

Sophia's shoulders relaxed, but only just. "Believe it or not, I'm safe when I'm inside the club. I don't think anyone would try anything with this many people inside."

My eyes scanned over the groups of men dotted around the establishment. She was right in a way, but that didn't mean that she was safe from the vile men who wanted to use her for the night. It was a Monday, and dirty men in their suits thought the best way to spend their evening was in a strip club. I didn't like how they walked past and openly stared down at Sophia. A mixture of hunger and pure lust was on their faces. It made my blood boil.

Sophia looked so tired to be here, I could tell the late hours of moving her body for money, was clearly exhausting her. Just as I opened my mouth to disagree with her comment, a balding man approached from behind, slinging his arm around her shoulders.

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