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Pure fucking ecstasy.

Every single thing that I would use to describe what it felt like to have Sophia fucking Winters in my arms, moaning my name. The feeling never changed, and it felt as intoxicatingly perfect as it did the first time I had her all to myself.

Honestly, there wasn't much I wouldn't do for this woman. I knew that now. I was addicted. It was plain and simple and I was probably going to hell for it.

I tasted her lips on my tongue, I inhaled her smell like it was a fucking drug and I touched her like my life was depending on the very thing.

I wasn't ashamed to admit that I'd bow down on my knees for this woman. Hell, I think I would do anything she asked me too, no matter what it was. She was in my veins like my own blood, and she wrapped herself in my thoughts like it was where she lived.

My mind was racing as I kissed her slowly, my tongue moving with hers. Her small hands wandered across my chest, skidding around the bruises and the scratches, and my heart swelled at the fact she was trying to handle me with care. It was too damn bad that I thrived off the pain, and I wanted her to bruise my skin the same way I had bruised hers so many times before.

I pulled away just as her fingers dug into my biceps, her head moving with mine as she tried to deepen the kiss.

"Wait," I panted, biting down on my lip. I pulled away so I had a better look at her, at how she was falling apart in my arms out of pure want.

Her eyes were wide, her hair was a mess and she looked like every dark thought I had ever had in the best possible fucking way.

How my mind wanted to destroy such a fragile creature was beyond me, and it tore at my very soul at the thought.

I swallowed, unable to keep my eyes away from her. "Let me appreciate you," I murmured, my words feeling as if they were coming out twice as slowed.

She didn't question me. Her trembling fingers pulled away. We stared at each other for a moment, before my eyes moved over her body. So fucking beautiful.

Clothes slowly began to be discarded, until we were pressed together, skin to skin. I pressed my lips in my favourite places on her throat, burying my head in the crook of her neck as I did.

"Harry," she whispered. It didn't sound like a moan, nor a plea, it was more like a content sigh and that alone made a shiver run down my body.

"I'm here, my love," I mumbled against her skin, feeling the goosebumps rise on her skin at my words. I licked the strip of her neck, teasing her when she tried to kiss me again.

She wiggled against me, her legs moving to wrap about my waist. She wasn't ever apologetic about how she felt, and I adored that about her. She told me what she wanted when she was like this.

I let her touch me, her hands dancing across my skin again, scratching and squeezing as I kissed her in every place I could possibly get my lips on. She moaned under my tongue and I grinned against her skin.

Only she knew how to get such a filthy reaction from me. My thoughts demanded my hand to wrap around her throat and fuck her senseless until she was begging for mercy.

I had to shake my head to get them away, because they were wrong. Tonight, I didn't want that. I wanted to appreciate every inch of her delicate skin. I wanted to hear her soft whispers of my name as she held onto me

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