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Bill's touch left a trail of coldness on my cheek, and I had to flinch back when the meaning of his words hit me. The impact of his words make me feel like it was an invisible force knocking me down, and I felt as I lost my breath at it.

I took a wobbly step backwards, knocking into Shelly in the process. Her arm came out to grab mine, though I couldn't focus on anything other than Bill and his sadistic grin. If my blood could turn cold from his words, it would of been pure ice.

I didn't want to know what he meant by that,but I knew deep down he wasn't messing around. Everything bad and unholy began in this very club, and I didn't want to know what ending he was referring too, because I might of just crumbled into a heap by his feet if he offered to explain.

I swallowed as the anxiety trickled it's way down my back, and the feeling of pins and needles rippling at my skin.

"I don't want-,"

"Sh," he whispered, shaking his head at me like I was a disobedient child. His breath stank of alcohol, bitter and stale. It was enough for me to feel as if I was about to gag. "You don't get a say in any of this. Do you understand how much trouble you've caused since you've been gone? Not even a fucking missing persons report was enough for my guys to find you. I'm basically a laughing stock now."

I swallowed at the fact he was admitting to putting out a fake missing persons report, all in the hopes of tracking Harry and I down. It sent alarm bells ringing on how truely fucked up this whole situation was, and how bad I was in danger.

A part of me screamed for Harry, wishing he could hear my inner monologue and come to save the day. A part of me wished Bill would just get on with whatever it was he was planning, and not leave the suspension hugging the air until it felt like I was suffocating.

Up close, Bill was drunker than I thought. His eyelids looked as if they were closing on him, and there was a slight sway to his body.

I glanced over at Shelly in panic, hoping she would get the hint and run out to get help, though she did nothing but stare down at the ground, her bottom lip tucked into her mouth. She looked nervous, though not the type of nervous that I would associate with the fear for her life. The type of fear someone had when they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"Don't look at her," Bill grunted. "Don't you see, Winters? You don't have anyone on your side. No ones here to help you. Styles ain't here either, is he?"

"Shelly," I said, my voice shaking as I dared to glance at her again. "Please get someone. Don't let something happen right now. You're better than this."

Bill's laughter was louder than the music that bounced off the walls, and it rattled in my head like a bad song. "Don't be so naïve, Winters. You know how this works. Money talks around these places and I've got enough of it to keep every single girl in this club lips sealed."

I wished he was wrong. I wished he was bullshitting through his mouth about that, but unfortunately, in this world, money spoke louder than loyalty ever could.  One look at Shelly, and every haunting thought I had was confirmed.  Shelly didn't comment, nor did her eyes move from where she stared off into the distance. Whatever Bill had planned prior to my arrival was now set into action, and Shelly's loyalty to me had been paid off by what I could assume was a nice paycheck for her. It just seemed like it was unfortunate that I was here the same time Bill had decided to stop by for a drink. Maybe if I had gotten here an hour later, I wouldn't of been in this predicament.

Bill grinned at me when I didn't speak, his hand reaching out until he gripped the back of my neck, like he owned me. He shook me as he brought me closer to his face, smacking his lips together as he did. I held my breath as I got closer, the stench of alcohol mixed the dark desire of greed being too much to bare.

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