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Dozens of eyes stared back at me, their gazes feeling like a hundred needles on my skin. So many different shades of colors, and yet, none of them were the pretty girl with the sad brown eyes.

I pursed my lips as I looked over them, never once seeing even the slightest resemblance of Sophia. My Sophia. Maybe I shouldn't be doing such a thing in such an intense setting, but my mind would never rest. Since laying eyes on the woman, my mind would never let me forget such a face. It was imbedded in my brain.

Turning away before I could get myself more agitated, I stared at my hands. My thumbs chased each other as the opposing lawyer danced around fancy words, drumming into the jury that I was a bad person and that my crimes were inhuman and I deserved to be punished.

I cracked my knuckles as the words flowed from his mouth, painting a dark picture for the jury.

The man representing me twisted in his seat like a child, twirling in it like he was bored of the game that was being played before us. Maybe he knew something I didn't know, but there was no mistaking the shin of his icy blue eyes. It was in the way his crisp suit was probably worth more than what the judge made alone, but looking closely, you could see the dirty mismatched backyard tattoos peaking out from behind his collar.

Catching my eye, his lips quirked into a devilish grin, reminding me of the great power he held in his fists. I felt it roll off in shockwaves in the newly formed bruises on my skin, and the broken rib that was making it difficult to breath.

We deserved it.

Should of fought back.

Shouldn't of said anything.

Idiot, idiot, idiot.

I had felt the coincidences of my actions in the darkest of ways, and I knew the worst was yet to come. I was sure to have my ribs re-broken as soon as the first sign of healing was shown. I swallowed at the thought, but kept my eyes high, knowing I deserved the punishment that was to be thrown my way for the damages I had caused.

The sound of the judge clearing his throat echoed through the courtroom. All eyes flickered up to him.

"Mr Tomlinson, do I need to remind you this is a courtroom and not a playground?"

Mid-spin, Louis' paused his movements, his eyes blinking up at the judge. There was a heavy silence that followed, one where I knew the Alpha that was Louis was fighting in his cage to be released to tell the judge where he could stick it.

"My apologises," Louis spoke, sounding the least bit apologetic. He smoothed down his tie, a cunning smile placed on his lips. "Please, continue Mr Wilson."

Pursing his lips, the lawyer placed a hand over his chest, staring at Louis in suspicion. Despite David Wilson being a lawyer, and just a lawyer, there was no way of missing the hesitation that coated his features when eye contact was made with Louis.

Louis wasn't a lawyer, I knew that, he knew that, and I'm sure deep down the judge knew all certificates and qualifications Louis held were fraudulent. The justice system held no real justice when things like this danced under the radar, people like Louis Tomlinson fiddled with the hierarchy of the law and people like myself got away with murder.

"Nothing further, your honor," Mr Wilson said with a shake of his head. He made his way across the courtroom back to his chair before the judge spoke again.

"You're up, Tomlinson," the judge muttered gruffly. The large man nodded in the direction of us, his eyes already looking bias with the way he stared.

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