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Have you ever had a bad feeling? The type that sat at the bottom of your stomach, that feels as if it's eating you from the inside out. The bad feelings I usually get, ended in me regrettably doing something horrific, and another dead body ending up on the evening news. If I was careful enough, it didn't but hat wasn't very often. In my manic states, I couldn't really control myself. It was a flaw I was trying to work on.

So when my phone rang, and an UNKNOWN CALLER flashed across my screen, I told myself not to answer it. I had a sickening feeling that I wasn't going to like what was on the other line. I watched as it rang and it rang, until the seventh miss call flashed on my screen and I growled in annoyance. A part of me wanted throw my phone, or even just turn it off, but I knew if Niall called and I missed it, I would never forgive myself if I let something bad happen to him.

By the ninth time, I was frustrated enough to pick up the phone.

"What?" I hissed. "Who is this?"

"You're a hard man to get ahold of, Mr Styles."

Hearing Bill Henry's voice through the phone made me feel sick. I glanced over at the entrance of Midnight Blues, double checking that Sophia wasn't in sight before I stalked down the street to continue this phone call without anyone hearing anything.

"Well when someone doesn't pick up the first time you ring, you might want to stop fucking calling," I snapped into the phone. "Why the fuck are you calling me?"

I knew whatever he was calling about, wasn't going to be good news. A part of me knew he was just calling to psych me out over something and I should hang up before he got into my head. Did I listen to that sane part of me though? No, Of course not, that would just make my life easier.

"Trent is up and well," he said into the phone. "Thought you'd like to know that. He asked for you."

He asked me for me to be hanged my feet, was more like it. I didn't care he was awake, nor did I care he knew I was the one who attacked him. Any surveillance from that night was gone, I had made sure of it. It was just he said she said. Nothing that could be held up in court.

Glancing around the streets and the passing people, I tucked my phone between my ear and my shoulder to pull out my work phone. I typed a message to Niall, encrypted enough so if it ever landed in someone elses hands, they wouldn't be able to understand it, but clear enough so he knew Trent was awake.

"Send him my best wishes," I mumbled, "Not sure why he asked for me, didn't even know the bloke."

I could hear the grinding of Bill's teeth through the phone and it made me chuckle. I would love to see the look on his face when we put him behind his own bars. I would take a photo of it and frame it for all the stress he put on Sophia.

"How's Sophia?" he asked, hauntingly. The way he said his name should of been enough to make me know I needed to hang up the phone, but I didn't.

I didn't comment, I couldn't find my voice and he knew it. His laughed echoed into the phone. "I know you know I spoke to her the other day," he started. "I was planning on using her for information, and I didn't believe her when she said she didn't know anything, so me, being me, I threatened her."

Bill knew as well as I did, that you didn't admit anything over the phone. Not with todays technology and how anything you can say can be recorded and compared to your voice. The fact Bill was willing sprouting this information meant that he was going to spring something a lot bigger.

Hang up, the angel on my shoulder demanded. You don't want to hear what he says! You know it will just get you mad.

Nah, the devil cooed in my ear. You know you want to hear it. It might be enough to drive you mad enough so you actually kill him. What's a few years in jail?

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