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Harry and I emerged from the shower 10 minutes later, cheeks red and hair damp from our time together. What possessed me to invite Harry into the shower with me, I had no idea. All I knew was that I was a giggling mess as Harry had awkwardly manoeuvred his way around me under the water, concerned that I wasn't getting enough hot water. He had even offered to wash my body for me, leaving all the sexual tension outside in the bedroom. My heart felt funny as we showered together, a strange sense of peace washed over me with water. I wondered if Harry was always these gentle after sex, or if was just a coincidental thing I had experienced with him.

After we had dressed, Harry slung my packed bag over his shoulder, ushering me out of the room quickly. I think he wanted to be out of the room and downstairs before Niall realised what we had been doing.

The oddly charming smile on Harry's face had dropped though, as soon as we walked out into the lounge area. It was almost comical how wide his eyes were when he saw Niall seated on the couch, staring directly at us with a pinched expression of annoyance. I staggered slightly when Harry stopped abruptly at the sight of his friend, running into his back.

He sat with his feet propped up on the coffee table, earphones in. Though he was a fair distance away from where we stood, I could still hear the base of the music pounding through his earphones, making my cheeks reddened. I silently hoped that Niall was somewhat hard of hearing and not that we were being that loud that he needed to max out the volume to drown us out. I would of laughed into the awkward silence of the room that was suddenly surrounding us, if I wasn't somewhat frightened of Niall and his death stare. If looks could kill, I would of been dead.

"Took you long enough," Niall snapped, getting to his feet. He shoved his phone into his pocket, allowing the earphones to dangle down his leg. He didn't bother to tuck them away properly as he stormed his way to the door. "Next time, a little warning would be nice. I don't really like sex sounds with my breakfast. Activates my gag reflex and that's no fun."

Harry glanced down at me, before giving Niall awkward smile, his cheeks blazing a fiery red. "Sorry," was all he murmured, scratching the side of his head.

Narrowing his eyes, Niall studied his friend for a beat too long. I suddenly wondered if he thought the same thing as me, and was concerned by the softness of Harry's voice. To be fair, both sides of Harry were growing on me, though that didn't mean I didn't wonder why his moods changed so quickly and so drastically. It was the second time that he had softened after we had sex, his harsh words and glaring eyes turned into blushes and soft touches. It was interesting to watch, though didn't make it any less worrisome that he could snap back and forth between emotions that quickly.

"We're late. We need to get moving," Harry continued, walking towards the door when Niall didn't comment. His eyes followed me as I moved towards Harry, and I didn't like it. I felt like I was under a microscope with his judgmental eyes.

"How about she rides with me?" Niall said, clearing his throat. His words made both Harry and I half in our movements to stare at him in sudden disbelief.

My eyes widened at his words. Surely he didn't just say that. Surely the sex had been so good, that it had made me start hearing things. Niall stood there, his arms now crossed over his chest, waiting for an answer from Harry.

Blinking himself, Harry cleared his throat. I think he was waiting for the haha just kidding, because I knew I was. This had to be some sort of joke, because I was the last person Niall wanted to be around willingly.

"She is a cats mother," Harry muttered, shaking his damp hair out of his face. "And no, that's not happening."

Though nobody asked me directly what I wanted to do, I was thankful for Harry's answer. I would rather walk to wherever we were going than to endure a fourteen hour car ride with Niall.

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