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"This has to be the most ridiculous plan I have ever heard in my life," Niall said flatly with a shake of his head.

I had just finished explaining what he had missed last night between Sophia and I after he stormed out of the room, and he wasn't happy with the news.

He laid across my king size bed. spreading his body out like a starfish, and I did my best not to turn around and scold him for creasing my bed sheets. I didn't have OCD, though I did prefer for everything to be in a certain way, my bed not being creased before I slept in it, being one of them. He knew that, though Niall liked to ignore most of my complaints, claiming it was a serial killer trait that I needed to get rid of. I could only scoff at his comment, like he could speak. Niall had his own weird traits that I refused to comment on, knowing it was almost like a trigger for him.

Hunching over my desk, my eyes scanned across the five monitors I had perched up on my wall. I was technically on a job, but Niall was doing a great job at distracting me. I was suppose to be keeping an eye out for any sudden movements during a...let's say, interrogation. I suppose that was the kindest word for what was going on right now.

We had a breach in our system a few days ago and information about a client was leaked, going directly into the hands of someone who had no business knowing it. Apparently one of our men decided that this life wasn't for them and they wanted out. That wasn't unusual, the turnover for such a demanding job was less than two years, though the only difference was, not everyone became rats and leaked information out to an opposition.

Now, we all had to be on high alert. Not only because we would have a furious client when he found out what had happened, but because he was now at an even higher risk of being caught by the FBI if they got a whiff of the situation. They'd do anything to bust one of the biggest drug dealers in America. Zayn Malik would also love to kill every one of us if we were the reason he landed behind bars. Despite being a long time customer, he would make sure to start a war between his people and us. It was something we would prefer to avoid.

My monitors consisted of two angles of a darkened room, in an undisclosed location. A man sat tied to a chair, barbed wires that held his wrists bound together, cutting into his flesh. The opened wound on his forehead was leaking blood as he fought to stay awake. I would almost feel bad for him, if he wasn't the reason that classified information got out. We didn't handle snitches very well. We bled them out until we either got the answers we were after, or they died. Whatever came first. Loyalty was an important part of the job, without it, you made a lot of enemies.

The other three screens were positioned outside. There wasn't much to see other than tall men guarding the doors that surrounded the building. It looked as if they were somewhere remote, somewhere deep in the shadows of the woods. If I cared enough, I could probably find out their location within ten minutes. It wasn't hard to find out when you knew what signs to look out for. Certain plants that only grew in certain areas, a number plate, a keyring on someone's key chain...the list went on. It was a good thing I didn't care, nor was the location suppose to be a secret to me. I was on this job to watch out for any suspicious activity while one of our finest men grilled the snitch.

On top of the surveillance, I also had direct access to the ear pieces that all the guards were currently using. They just didn't know it. It was a precaution, just in case any of those men were secretly against us. For the last hour, my eyes had darted between all the screens, my ears listening to nothing but heavy breathing and general chit chat. Liberating, I know. My eyes were starting to burn and become heavy as time dragged on. The only entertainment came from the man that was currently bleeding out, and even he was beginning to bore me as he started to loose consciousness.

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