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A/N: Chapter trailer is out on tik tok if you want a sneak peak of what the chapter will be like!

tik tok: sweetfix_


'Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.'

A quote I was made to analyze when I was a little girl, just trying to get by in school, one day at a time. It was a quote that I had never truly understood, given that I had grown up with next to nothing. I hadn't understood how money couldn't make someone happy. It would of solved a lot of my problems back then. Hell, it would of solved all  of my problem a few weeks ago.

I was ten years old when I read that. Ten years old when I argued with my teacher that Benjamin Franklin was wrong, and money would solved all the worlds problems if it was given to the right people who appreciated it.

Looking around the room that I stood in now, at twenty-two, I think I owed Mr Benjamin Franklin an apology for my choice of words back then. He had definitely been right. 

The people who crowded the room may be some of the richest people I would ever come to know. These people were that type of rich that would allow generations of their family to never work again. and yet, they all had to be deeply unsatisfied with their lives if this was the way they planned on spending their evenings. They dressed up in their expensive houses, drove in their expensive cars to gossip amongst each other, and for what? They were all as cruel as each other, as nobody dared to question Louis and his words.

Louis  gripped my hand in his, pulling me so I was flush against his body, dragging me away from my growing thoughts. His other hand rested on my waist, a respectful amount away from my ass. His eyes filtered between Harry and I, a wicked glint in his eyes as he studied us. 

The room of hundreds of people had seemed to grow quiet and the scene that was unfolding, and I was having a hard time trying to work out what to pay attention too.

My name hung heavy in the air like electricity, confusion rattling my bones. He had called me Sophia.  Fucking Sophia. This wasn't the time to play nice. This wasn't the time for him to suddenly view me as an equal. It made my stomach twist with knots. Though it was obviously my name, I hadn't heard him call me that for a while. The last time he had said it, was when he actually held respect for me as a person and didn't just look at me as someone who stripped for a living. Something told me that him saying my name a bigger deal than it should of been. 

Harry's head was dropped like a scolded child, his body seeming to go limp in the guards arms as the proposition of a human sacrifice floated through the crowd. It was scary how nobody looked fearful for what was going to happen to Harry, if anything, they all seemed to mimic the same expression of intrigue. I hated it. The only fear they had was when they looked over at Louis' and accidentally caught his eye. Was this what rich people did? They didn't find interest in the mundane lifestyle, so they resorted in torture to make them feel something? It was pathetic how intrigued they looked when they stared at Harry though how terrified they clearly were of Louis. 

"Please don't do this," I mumbled to Louis, unable to keep my eyes off of Harry despite the fact Louis had begun swaying us lightly to the music. I moved with him so it wouldn't look awkward, though my focus was on something else entirely.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Don't be so boring."

"What are you going to do with him?" I croaked,  feeling fearful for Harry's life. My hands were growing damp with sweat, though Louis didn't seem to mind, he didn't release his lock on me.  "Murdering someone in front of hundreds of witnesses doesn't sound like a thought out plan."

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