Chapter 20 - Last Chapter

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Cihan who was following Nasuh stopped when he saw his car. He knew he had to be somewhere near. He was searching everywhere, but couldn't find his father. Then he saw someone's scarf at one cliff. It was Azize's. She dropped it while she was falling down. Then Cihan approached an edge of cliff and his chin fell to the ground when he saw Azize and Nasuh hugged laying on a botton of this chasm. Cihan was really shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes.
Then he fell on his knees and started crying hard. He couldn't believe his father died in his enemy's hug. Well, she wasn't his enemy though. She was his Ayşe.
Cihan:,,I'm such a fool!! I didn't arrive here on a time! If I arrived, I would save you dad!!!! Neden, neden, nedeeen?!!!"
He put his face into his hands and was crying for next half of hour. When he collected a bit of strenght, he called his family. He could barely talk, his voice was trembling all the time.
He called his wife Handan.
Handan when heard it, she opened her mouth wide and dropped a phone. She was really in shock.
Handan:,,Olmaz...that's impossible. No way. Nasuh aga can't die!!!"
Yaren and Azat:,,Dedee?!!!!"
Melike and Hanife covered their mouths.
Azat:,,Anne, this isn't true, right? Benim dede...cannot be dead. Right, Yaren?"
Yaren:,,Evet. Maybe baba doesn't know what is he talking about... Maybe..."
Handan:,,Yok, kızım. He says the truth. Nasuh aga is really dead."
Everyone started crying hard. That was the worst day in this family ever.
Cihan also told them Azize died in Nasuh's arms too. That was even a bigger shock.
Even Hazar, Reyyan and Miran who were at hospital heard this bad news.
Hazar wasn't good when he heard it, Reymir broke too when they heard it. Miran saw that it was so hard for Hazar to handle, he hugged him very tight. Reyyan smiled on that view eventhough she cried an ocean of tears a moment ago.
Miran:,,Babaa...babaa...I will never let you go!! Look, I'm here. Your oğlum. Your dad died, my grandpa. I didn't have much time to develop a grandpa-grandchild relationship. But I want to spend as much time as I can with you. Please, don't stress too much, for me."
Hazar:,,Tamam, oğlum, it passed. Don't worry."
It didn't pass at all. Everyone who were there were going through a lot of pain. Miran was sad about Azize too, eventhough she lied to him all of these years. She grew him up however, so he wanted to visit her grave too, to thank her on that.
Tomorrow Hazar went out of hospital. Cihan told them three that Azize was Nasuh's loved one. He explained them everything that happened in past. Hazar broke even more when he found out a woman he hated was actually his mother. He didn't even have a chance to hug her and call her 'mom'.
Cihan:,,Gel, abi, it will pass. Look, I'm here. The whole family is gathered together right now. It makes me sad when I see you sad."
He hugged Hazar.
Hazar:,,Thank you, abi. I don't know what would I do if it weren't you. You are the best brother in a world."
Cihan:,,No, you are the best. You were always there to give me a hand when I fall. You are my older brother and I will always appreciate you."
Hazar:,,Thank you so much, Cihan. Your words mean a lot to me."
Yaren and Azat approached Reymir.
Yaren:,,Reyyan! Canım benim. Dede yok, anymore! I couldn't imagine even a day without him. How should we continue living knowing that he is not here anymore?"
Reyyan:,,We'll learn how to live with that pain. We'll heal by the time, but we won't forget. Our grandpa will always stay in nice memories and our hearts."
Yaren started crying hard and hugged Reyyan. Reyyan started crying too.
Azat:,,Miran? Abi? I know we didn't have a chance to meet eachother well, but do you want us to try to become the brothers? We feel the same pain now, we lost a part of our soul. I want us to become a family."
Miran:,,Of course, Azat abi. We are already a family. We should be together in this hard situation. That's why we are brothers, right?"
Azat:,,Evet, abi."
They hugged eachother tight.
In Aslanbey mansion, everyone who heard for Azize's death stayed in a big shock. Gönül and Elif were breaking of crying, Fırat and Esma were crying too, and even Sultan didn't stay cold.
Sultan:,,Ah, Azize, ah! I maybe hated you all of these years, but I couldn't imagine you would really go this fast. This mansion is empty and quiet without you. I miss our arguments so much right now."
Then she looked at Gönül and Elif.
Sultan:,,But you left me beautiful children in emanet. Thank you so much for it.".
Then she hugged them tight with both of her arms.
Gönül:,,I can't believe benim babaanne yok anymore! We maybe weren't in good relationship lately, but I'll miss her so much. However is she, she is my grandma. Nothing can change it."
Elif:,,You are right. I slept in her arms when I was little. She was singing me night melodies so I could sleep better. I'll never forget her sentences,,Good night and good morning benim torunu." I will miss her so much."
They both were crying and even Sultan started crying.
Sultan:,,Tamam, children, tamam. Look, I'm here. You can always lean on me. Put a smile on your beautiful faces, otherwise Azize would be sad if she saw you crying."
Elif and Gönül:,,Tamam."
Then they smiled towards Sultan and she returned them smiling.
*3 months later*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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