The Order of Merlin

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After Amarea's scene that she had unknowingly caused, the talk inside of the room continued, much to Harry's delight. He had so much to talk about, so many questions he wanted to be answered. His head was full of racing thoughts, all begging to be chosen first.

On the other side of the house, Amarea was spread out on her bed, thinking about the complete opposite. She found it slightly amusing; Harry was so young, he had so many things ahead of him. Amarea had been around long enough to know what her future would be like, and there was nothing exciting about it. She knew that she would drone on until the last person she cared about died, and eventually would have to kill herself when she couldn't handle the pain anymore.

That was another thing she found amusing; immortality. Most wanted it, but they never understood how it was a curse, rather than a blessing.

Amarea's thoughts drifted to Harry's trial. She knew they wouldn't expel him, or at least she hoped. If they had an ounce of intelligence in their body they would excuse him of all charges and find him not guilty of anything. After all, he was only defending himself. Though she knew that the courts didn't always operate justly.

Emptying the glass cabinets that afternoon was something Amarea was reluctant to do, though she expected it would be a good distraction. She hated cleaning. Most of the time she relied on other people to do the work for her, but knew that she had to at least try since she was staying in Sirius' home. That, and she was halfway certain that Molly would skin her if she didn't.

An emerald amulet rest in Amarea's palms; emerald was the most common gemstone to occupy Slytherin families. It was a simple amulet, nothing engraved on the back. The only thing on it was a layer of dust, which she gently swiped away with her thumb. To her left, Sirius lets out a strange noise, making her gaze meet the silver snuffbox he was holding. Watching his hand develop an odd crusty covering, Amarea scrunches up her nose.

After Sirius throws the box away, George carefully wrapped his hand in a piece of cloth and sneaks the silver snuffbox into his already-filled pocket.

"I saw that," Amarea quips, smirking. She turns to Sirius afterwards, "Sirius, do you mind if I take this?"

The man shrugs, "Sure, take whatever you want, I guess. It's not like I have any use for it." George quickly goes to grab something else but Sirius stops him, "I was talking to her only. Your mother has already told me off once today."

Amarea turns back to the cabinets, picking up a music box which let out a calming lullaby when wound with a key she had found beside it. Beside it lay another music box, which Amarea quickly shut once she realized it was enchanted with Siren song.

"Bloody hell. George, Harry, come look at this." Everyone made their way over to where Fred was standing, looking at the medal attached to an emerald green ribbon. It was engraved with a man's name, a descendant of the Black family, and had the initials TOOTF on the back. "What's this mean?"

George snorts. "Tootf? Like too-"

"It means he gave the Order a lot of gold," Sirius told the boys, about to throw the medal into the trash pile.

Amarea quickly grabs his arm, stopping him. "Yes, of course. You don't even have to say anything." He quickly gave it to her, knowing that her family played a great part in the Order. She had never told him what part they played, only that it was of the outmost importance. So much, that she would leave school for days at a time to join meetings.

She gave him a quick smile, quickly dropping it when she noticed everyone in the room watching her. Watching him for a couple more seconds, she turns away, messing with the sides of her cloak. Amarea wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him everything; everything about her past, who she was, what she had been through. But she couldn't. Not yet.

Before leaving the room once again, Amarea also took a ring bearing the Black crest. Even if Sirius hated his family, she still had a connection to them. She got attached too easily. She especially wanted the ring because of a certain Black, Regulus Black. Locator spells weren't her specialty, but she was sure whenever some free time came to her, she could find something.


Over the next few days, Mrs. Weasley had them continue cleaning. Well, everyone except Amarea; she stayed in her room, only coming out for dinner and to quickly look through what they had cleaned out in the drawing room.

Ocassionally she would send letters to Severus or Dumbledore, even Minerva occasionally, which were delivered by Arthur whenever he left headquarters. When Severus did visit, they would have a brief talk in the hallway, right outside of Amarea's door.

Her nightmares continued, never seeming to give way no matter what she did. Amarea had talked to Remus about them once, but immediately stopped once he started to pity her.

Currently, Amarea was sat in a chair at dinner. It was Wednesday; tomorrow was the day of Harry's hearing. "I've ironed your best clothes for tomorrow morning, Harry, and I want you to wash your hair tonight too. A good first impression can work wonders," Molly fusses. The teenagers around the table stopped talking and looked at him. Amarea watched their interactions curiously, thinking back to when she was a teenager, though she still was if you wanted to look at it from a physical perspective.

"How am I getting there," Harry asks? His voice cracked slightly at the end, making Amareas brow furrow; he was worried.

Mrs. Weasley smiled encouraging at Harry, "Arthur's taking you to work with him."

"You can wait in my office until it's time for the hearing," Arthur said from across the table, smiling at Harry.

There was a lot of smiling going on today, Amarea noted. Everyone was nervous.

As the table debated wether Sirius going to the station with Harry was safe, Amarea focused her attention on Remus. "I want to go out."


"Why not," she grumbled. "I haven't been outside in fifteen years, Remus. I'm growing impatient."

"I know, I know. You'll get to go out soon enough, since your going to Hogwarts." Amarea looks at him with a raised brow, "Sirius told me."

She huffs and rolls her eyes. Of course Sirius told Remus. Neither could seem to keep their mouth shut around the other; it had always been that way. "Fine. I need you to get some stuff for me then, from a store."

"What store? I suppose you will need robes, but I would ask Molly to help you with that."

Amarea sighs, shifting in her seat. "Not that type of store. I mean a muggle store...actually, nevermind. It would be easier for Severus to get what I wanted."

Remus opened his mouth, shutting it when he realized she was right. He would be able to give her everything when she arrived at Hogwarts.

Mrs. Weasly pursed her lips, scowling slightly. "Professor Dumbledore doesn't think it's a good idea for Sirius to go with you, and I must say I-"

"When did Dumbledore tell you that," Harry asks?

Looking at Harry, Mrs. Weasley responds, "He came last night, when you were in bed."

Amarea looked at her empty plate, which Mrs. Weasley had tried in vain to fill. Her and Harry had the same thought running through their head. The thought that Dumbledore had been in the same house as them, and not asked to see them.

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