The Hearing

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Amarea didn't sleep that night.

Finally getting up from her bed, she trudges into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. While her drink was making itself, she leant against the counter and rubbed the dark bags under her eyes. Taking the cup, she crept across the hall into the parlor, sitting in one of the chairs. She inhaled the scent of her brew while thinking.

A noise came from her right, making her pull her wand out. Standing in the doorway, Hermione watched her warily. "Are you alright?"

Breaking their gaze, Amarea sighed. She didn't want to lie, but she did anyways. "I'm fine, Hermione. How are you?"

"Good, good. A little nervous, I suppose."

Gesturing with her hand, Amarea invites Hermione to sit on the loveseat across from her. Taking careful steps, Hermione complies.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. I don't harm without reason." Silence envelops the two for a few minutes. "What are you doing up?"

"I was thirsty. I saw you sitting here on my way to the kitchen." Amarea hums, waving her wand in the air; a cup of water floats to the girl after a minute. "Thanks." Amarea nods, shifting in her chair. "How are you really...Amarea," Hermione asks?

"Torn over whats right and what's wrong. We all are during these tough times...You should get some sleep."

Nodding, Hermione looks at her again before leaving to her room with her glass. Once Amarea was certain she was gone, Amarea quit using her energy for glamor. The heavy chains became visible, along with the cuts they had made. She looks over at the fire place, furrowing her brows. Soon enough, a small small smark leads to a roaring fire, illuminating and heating the room.

Drinking the rest of the black liquid, she sets down the coffee cup. Amarea runs her fingers over the chains, lifting them up into her lap. They hurt more with each day. Molly had been feeding her too much. She know she had to limit what she ate, at least until she figured out a way to get the chains off of her.

Trying to move them slightly, she hisses, giving up quickly. It was no use. No spell her or Severus knew could release her. She had started to think that only the wizard who had gave her them could take them away. However, Amarea hoped that wasn't the case, as they had probably died after the first war. She shivers at the thought of having to live with the chains forever.

She would get them off. Someone was bound to be able to. Someone.


Amarea was still sitting in the chair, her glamor up again, when Harry made his way past the room. They stared at each other for a while, Harry being the one to break the silence.

"Have you ate," he asks, pointing at the door with his thumb. She shakes her head slowly. "Well, would you like to...join me? You don't have to, if your not comfortable or something. I've kinda noticed your wary of everyone except Sirius, Remus, and Snape."

Amarea is silent, making him smile and move to the door. "I'll come sit." He grins at her opening the door for her to walk inside and shutting it behind himself.

Arthur, Molly, Sirius, Remus, and Tonks sit at the kitchen table. Harry sits down near Sirius, scooting the chair next to him out slightly. Understanding, Amarea walkes over and settles down in in, catching Remus' gaze as she does. He gives her an encouraging grin.

Turning to Harry, she gives him a halfway grin, "Thank you." He nods.

"Breakfast," Mrs. Weasley says, getting up from her chair. She was the only one not dressed, wearing a quilted, purple dressing gown. Waving her wand, she hurries over to the fire.

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