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"Alright, who wants to go over what we've learned."

Amarea is met with silence, the only noise coming from the bird song outside the window.

Finally, Fred raises his hand, much to Amarea's surprise. Although he has expressed great interest in magick, his attention span didn't allow much information to sink in. It was exactly why Amarea did review sessions; whatever anyone in the class had missed, no matter how small, they would go over.

" could do it?"

Letting out a groan, Amarea waves her wand for the blackboard. "Fine, but you better take notes this time. I'm not wasting class time to go over it again. You can ask me after or before; I'm always free during lunch and supper...mostly." Clearing her throat, she starts to speak about the topic, "Practitioners of magick are called sorcerers, not wizards. Some are born with a natural strong relationship with magic, some have to build it, and others may never achieve the ability. Can anyone tell me why this is?"

"Magick requires a great deal of willpower and patience. You have to be determined and know exactly what you want the magic to do and be used for," Hermione responds.

Amarea nods, "Correct, I'm glad to know someone was paying attention. Harry, you've got the notes from the last classes, yeah?" Harry gives her a thumbs-up from the front of the classroom. She had switched the Thursday class to early morning so he would be able to work around his detentions.

"A lot of sorcerers first tap into their magick during a time of emotional conflict. It can cause them to lose control, which is why having a mentor is critical in the early stages and with subdivisions of magick. Most prefer to channel the magick through spells because the words provide something easier to focus on. More experienced practitioners can more easily use non-verbal magick, just like the magic used today."

"That has to do with the sorcerer's relationship with magic, yes?"

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Amarea looks over at Draco Malfoy. He had surprisingly been paying attention in the class and had moved to the front of the room, despite having to sit at a table next to Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred, and George.

"The stronger the relationship, the easier it is to perform magick. And of course, a better relationship equals a stronger magick," she confirms. "I know we're still talking about different tools, but we can go over what you've learned so far. Some magick requires specific objects."

"Crystals, poppets, herbs, potions...what am I missing," George asks?

"Nothing," she responds. "You've got the important ones. They can mostly substitute anything else you would need. Other spells can have a strong effect without the aid of external objects. The complexity of spell preparation is connected to the strength of the magick and caster, which you should know by now...if you have common sense. Longer incantations mean more power usually. Any question before I start the actual lesson?"

"You know, when you're talking like this the stuff goes so much faster than when we were supposed to learn it."

Rolling her eyes, Amarea gets up from her desk. "That's because no one's asking questions, Fred."

"Do we at least get a demonstration today," George asks. The teenagers anxiously await the answer to the ginger's question. Pushing his lower lip out, George silently pleads, making Amarea sigh.

"Ok." Cheers erupt from Fred and George, the rest of the class joining them. Hermione is one of the only quiet ones in the class, but Amarea catches the excited gleam in the girl's eyes as she discretely pumps her fist. "Alright, alright. Listen up, we got a lot of shit to cover and not enough time," Amarea says, raising her voice to try and get everyone's attention.

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