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Amarea spent most of her Sunday inside Dumbledore's office, hiding away from as many people as she could. Her feet rested on the desk in front of her, pushing a stack of papers slightly as she sunk deeper into the plush seat. Flipping to the next page in the tomb she was reading, a chuckle escapes her lips.

To her right, Dumbledore shuffled through his own book, quickly scanning the pages. "Find something amusing, Miss Wyllt," he asks, not bothering to look up from his reading.

"All of these stories about my father are odd. He never told these versions."

Looking up from his book, the headmaster smiles at her, "Well, the Great Merlin must have many secrets, yes?"

The black-haired woman hums, "I suppose."

"Have you had the chance to visit his portrait?"

She shrugs, "I've had the time; motivation or will on the other know I'm an overthinker." Looking over at the words that occupied the pages in his hands, she furrows her brow, "Looking for something, old man?"

Dumbledore lets out a small laugh, "I would hardly call myself old when you sit in my office."

Rolling her eyes, Amarea watches him scan the page before flipping to the next. A copy of Secrets of the Darkest Arts by Owle Bullock sat in the man's hands. "You'll have to lend me that book sometime, Albus."

He shakes his head, closing the book, and getting up from his chair, "Planning on reading it for the tenth time?"

"Sixteenth, actually."


Opening the classroom door, Amarea was pleasantly surprised to see the students already sitting in their chairs. "Well, it seems you all are delighted to be here," she says, looking over the class; more than half of them had their heads shoved into their robes, which they had shoved onto the desk as a makeshift pillow. A groan comes from the front of the room. "Got something to say, Fred?"

Amarea watches as Fred jerks up, glaring at his twin before sassily responding under his breath. Shaking her head, Amarea walks over to her desk, setting down the bowl she was carrying. "Alright, listen up. Very exciting lesson today; I wouldn't want you to miss it, Ron."

The redhead raises his head, wiping drool off his face with his sleeve. "What'd you do that for," he grumbles, glaring at the green-eyed boy who had smacked his head. Harry gestures to Amarea with his head and Ron's eyes widen at the woman standing in front of them.

Smirking, Amarea takes out her wand, "Nice of you to join us, Mr. Weasley." Ron laughs nervously. Raising her wand, the carved bowl rises into the air, turning slowly once everyone could see it.

"Does anyone know what this is?" A frown finds her face when she doesn't hear a response. "Where's Hermione," she asks, turning to look at what she supposed was now the Golden Duo.

"We got her to look over our work."

Humming, Amarea scans the class to make sure everyone is paying attention before continuing. She supposed she could give Hermione a private lesson another time to keep her up to date. "So, because I'm the best person you'll ever meet in your life, we are able to have a fun lesson today."

George rests his head on his hand, looking at her with warm eyes, "Every lesson you teach is fun."

A scoff is heard from the other side of the class, and Amarea turns to watch Draco roll his eyes. "Thank you, George. I appreciate that." Draco grumbles quietly. "This," she continues, "is a Pensieve. When you use one, you're able to view memories. Thankfully, I'm Dumbledore's favorite, and have gotten permission to go through with this lesson." Curious gazes meet her own and she smirks, "Today, we'll learn about Dragons. And not just any dragons, the Great Dragon."

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