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Days passed, Harry's scar hurting occasionally, and Amarea trying in vain to find a way to come in contact with Dumbledore. She wished Severus would randomly show up, that would solve plenty of her problems.

Of course, she and Albus had come to the conclusion that she would assist in teaching at Hogwarts, but they never talked about how or why, or even what class she would be teaching for that matter.

Everyone in the house seemed to be overjoyed about the children's return to Hogwarts. Even Amarea was slightly excited. Sirius however didn't feel the same; he had put up a very good show of happiness on first hearing the trial news, but quickly got down after some realization.

Currently, Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Amarea were sat next to a moldy cupboard, talking about the situation. "Don't you go feeling guilty," Hermione says sternly. "You belong at Hogwarts and Sirius knows it. Personally, I think he's being selfish."

Amarea hummed in agreement. She understood the reasons why Sirius was hesitant, but Harry was tied to the Dark Lord one way or another. You couldn't stop fate; might as well keep on track.

"That's a bit harsh, Hermione," Ron says, frowning. Attempting to pry mold of his fingers, he continues, "You wouldn't want to be stuck inside this house without company."

Hermione crosses her arms, "He'll have company! It's headquarters to the Order of the Pheonix, isn't it? Amarea's here as well. He just got his hopes up that Harry would be coming to live here with him."

Amarea stresses her neck at Hermione's comment. "But I thought..." Harry is cut off by Amarea's glare. "I don't even know. Anyway, I don't think that's true. He wouldn't give me a straight answer when I asked him if I could."

"He just didn't want to get his own hopes up even more," Hermione insists. "And he probably felt a bit guilty himself, because I think a part of him was really hoping you be expelled. Then you'd both be outcasts together."

Amarea lets out a scoff, "Welp, I'll see ya'll later then."

Ron looks back and forth between Harry and Hermione, "Did she just say ya'll?"


As Hogwarts' starting date drew nearer, Amarea spent more time holed up in her room. Most of the time she would skip meals, focusing on conserving her energy to send her raven out without gaining more weight from food. Since Mrs. Weasley wouldn't even let her near the door after her incident in the hallway, she would have to magically apparate the raven outside somehow. After a couple of tries, she had managed to get the spell to work. All she had to do now was wait.

A red-head bursts into her room, scattering her thoughts. Amarea jumps up quickly, holding her dagger in front of her. "Stop doing that, we talked about this!"

"Sorry," George apologizes.

Amarea nods, laying back down on her bed and pulling the covers to her chest. George walks over, getting under the covers as well, staying at least a foot away from her. To anyone else, it would be obvious that this had started to become a normal occurrence for the pair. "Guess what."

"What," Amarea asks dryly?

"Ron...yes, I know, it might sound crazy. Ron. Ron, you know him? He's Prefect."

Amarea's eyes widen, "That's great!"

George shrugs, "Mum's all over him. If she's not careful, she'll smother him." The exaggeration earns a snort from Amarea, making George grin. They laid in silence for a while, both listening to the other's breathing. The room was quiet, almost too quiet for Amarea's liking, although she preferred it over the roaring winds at Azkaban.

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