Death Eater

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Opening the wooden door, Amarea steps into the darkness, Remus behind her. She turns to the man, offering a gentle smile. Three more frames step out, lit by the light above their heads. Remus doesn't acknowledge Amarea, only looking out towards the fields.

"It was delicious, Molly. Really," Tonks insists.

"Are you sure you won't stay," the older woman asks. She gestures to Amarea, who was gently leading on one of the wooden posts that held up the porch's roof, "Amarea is."

"No, we should go." She leans closer to Molly, whispering, "The first night of the cycle's always the worst."

Shouldering off the post, the sorceress lifts her gloved hand, placing it gently on the werewolf's forearm. To her left, Arthur clears his throat, "Remus?"

Furrowing her brow at the lack of response, she repeats the call, "Remus?" The man doesn't speak, continuing to look out across the darkened crop field. Turning her head, Amarea narrowed her eyes into the darkness, trying to make out whatever Remus was staring so intently at.

"Sweetheart," Tonks says, stepping forward. Amarea allows the witch to take her place, moving closer to Molly. She meets the gazes of the red-haired couple, shrugging her shoulders in confusion before looking back out towards the field. 

She's about to head back in when she suddenly stops. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up, rising off her back and her arms as she moves her head back to face the blackness. "Is there something wrong, dear," Molly asks? During their continued time together, Molly had taken a strong liking to Amarea. They had reconciled one night over tea and pastries, talking into the late hours about the Weasley family and Order business that the redhead didn't dare utter around her children.

"Something's not right," Amarea speaks, voice trailing slowly over her words. "Something's wrong."

A whistle starts from the sky and she walks to the front of the porch quickly, one hand holding onto the wooden column. A blazing sphere crashes down into the corn, setting fire to the dried crops. It spreads quickly, forming a circle around the house. She could feel the sweltering heat, even from her stance, far away from the start of the farmland. A black wisp swirls overhead, funneling toward the ground and circling until Bellatrix's deranged body is formed. 

Gritting her teeth, Amarea watches her as she smiles. Only a few seconds later and the sorceress' body is pushed out of the way, her hand tightening on the post to right herself. Harry flies past her, faster than her tired state could comprehend. She had been spending long hours going back and forth between Hogwarts and Malfoy Manor. 

"Harry, no," Remus shouts after him, running after the boy. Amarea follows suit, watching the boy disappear through the fire. She stops at the edge, her stomach swirling into knots as she desperately looks around for an opening. Finally finding one, she narrowly misses it, Ginny sprinting past her and through the blaze. 

She lets out a low sound of frustration, halfway between a scream and a groan, her hands twitching at her side. Bringing her hands up, she fought with the flames, which were much more powerful than she had previously thought. "Either Bellatrix is stronger or there's more of them," she shouts to Remus, meeting the man's gaze. She quickly glances at the fire before looking back at him, a fresh determined look in her eyes. Shaking his head, he watches as Amarea finally takes out her wand. 

"What is she doing," Tonks grunts, whipping her wand around furiously as the flames danced in the air. 

"Switching teams!"

Trying to ignore her chaotic surroundings, Amarea focuses, shifting into the Death Eater's signature form. Flying up and over the Weasleys, she races across the field, looking for signs of Harry and Ginny. Cold air whips across her whole body in a way that quickly reminds her of why she never took this form, instead apparating everywhere Tom needed her to. A flash of red catches her eyes and she immediately descends, shifting back into her physical body. 

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