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Knocking on the black-haired man's door, Amarea waits patiently; as patiently as she could. She was thankful it was Friday since she had no idea what exactly she was doing here. Her only chance to talk to Dumbledore had been at dinner, and even then he brushed her questions off, saying they would speak later. Finally, after what felt like forever, the door opened. Severus Snape stood on the threshold, a grim look on his face, which quickly disappeared once he realized who she was. 

"What do you want?"

"Nice to see you too, bitch," Amarea retorts back playfully. "I just came to talk."

Severus rolled his shoulders slightly, a gesture which to Amarea, clearly showed how tired he was. "I'm busy with someone at the moment, Amarea. You can come back later or wait in he-"

"Who," Amarea says, cutting him off. Standing on her toes, she tries to look over his shoulder in vain. 

"Draco Malfoy."

Humming, Amarea takes a few steps backward and forwards, readjusting her stance. "I can wait in the corner then."

Nodding, Severus moves out of the way, letting her walk through the door first. The boy in the chair looks at her in surprise when she walks in, staring her down. Amarea waves sarcastically, rolling her eyes and sitting in a chair in the back corner. 

After around twenty minutes of boring talk between Severus and Draco, Amarea is finally gestured over. She gets up, walking over to his desk. Getting up, the blond boy offers the chair to her and she takes it gratefully. Watching the interaction with furrowed brows, Severus leans back in his chair as Draco slides Amarea's chair closer to the table, finally moving to the corner chair.

Tapping her fingers on the chair, she looks around the room. "Well, your office is definitely...dark. Lots of chairs. Lots of dead things in glasses..." Her eyes roam over the glasses he had displayed on a bookshelf. "Are those eyeballs or test-"

"I can make it brighter," he cuts her off.

Amarea shakes her head, stopping him from getting up, "It's fine, really. It's...comforting in a way. Today was my first time seeing the sun in a while." Looking back, she meets Draco's curious eyes, "Can you turn your beady eyes somewhere else? I can literally feel you watching." Turning back to Severus, she clears her throat, nodding to Draco questioningly. 

Severus shrugs, "He's doing detention." Amarea raises an eyebrow, wondering how he had managed detention on the first day of school. If anything, she was impressed. "It's leftover from last year."

Twisting in her chair, she holds back a laugh at Draco's face. "Damn dude, that must suck. Anyways," she turns back, "you're taking me shopping tomorrow." Severus opens his mouth to speak, but Amarea doesn't let him. "And don't say no because we all know I need clothes."

Putting his head in his hands, Severus groans slightly. Taking a quill from his desk, Amarea runs her hand over the smooth feather. "Come on, please? You'll get to spend Sirius' money...," she grins, mouthing the man's name.

"Okay, we'll go."


Walking to breakfast the next day, Amarea took her time, taking in the hallways. Running her hands across the walls, she smiles slightly at the feeling. The cool stone underneath her fingertips brought her back to winter at Hogwarts; playing around in the snow with Sirius, James, and Remus was a usual activity. Lily had preferred sitting next to the fire reading. Occasionally, teachers would see the redhead getting carried outside by James and Sirius, with Remus trailing behind. Amarea mainly stayed outside, watching them throw her in the snow when they got back to where she was sitting. 

Winter was one of her favorite seasons,  autumn being a very close second. She loved the feeling of her cheeks being stung by the wind, snowflakes landing on her hair, and red hands once she got back inside. She missed sitting by the fireside with her friends, stealing from the kitchen, and tousling on the floor. Amarea missed being able to turn the corner and see a familiar face. 

She didn't have that now. 

Of course, she knew Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They were here, along with Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Severus, but it wasn't the same as when she attended. Everything back then seemed brighter, warmer even. 

Looking up at where she had stopped, Amarea looked over the trophy case, stopping at the Gryffindor section. James Potter's Seeker trophy sat on the shelf, shining as it always did. He had only been Seeker for one season, but he had excelled. The position he loved, however, was Chaser. Next to his trophy was Sirius'; he was a Beater. 

Turning, she walks quickly to the Great Hall, opening the teacher's door. Ignoring the stares, she takes her seat beside Dumbledore. Amarea had gotten to breakfast quite early, not many teachers or students filling the room. "How was your first night at the castle," Dumbledore asked warmly, looking down at her. 

Amarea shrugged, "It was something...I guess. I wanted to talk to you about my housing situation. I want a smaller room."

Dumbledore shakes his head, "Well it seems we are full this year, you'll have to keep yours until something becomes available."

"Don't try, Albus. I know there are rooms available, and I didn't ask for a tower."

"Well," he says, "you've been locked up for a while. I wanted you to be able to have room. It will be good for you."

"Dumbledore, please. I don't need that; I'm not used to having that much space for myself." Students start to fill the room as time passes, teachers taking their seats as well. A certain student watches her as she exchanges words with their Headmaster. 

"You used to have more than that much space, remember?" Amarea looks at her empty plate at his question. "I remember you wandering the halls as your mother taught. You loved it back then, and I believe you will come to love it again."

Looking up at him, her eyes sting. Maybe he was right, maybe she could learn to love it again. But that was unlikely; she wasn't stupid. And neither was he. 

They would be coming for her. 

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