SELFLESS ( 사심이 없는 )

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" Selflessness. It should be the basis of every relationship. If a person truly cares about you, they'll get more pleasure from the way they make you feel, rather than the way you make them feel. "

-Colleen Hoover

" Sora! " The young woman turned toward the owner of the voice and slightly smiled.

" Taehyung. "

The labrador hybrid jogged toward his friend with a huge smile on his face. He engulfed her in a hug and grinned.

" What are you doing? " He asked.

Sora pointed at the documents she was holding and stated, " I have to show those to Namjoon. Those are the Center's data from the past three months. "

" Oh, I will accompany you. "

The woman silently nodded before the duo walked toward their superior's office. Sora knocked three times on the door before she entered the room.

" Ah, Sora. " The silver-haired man put down his pen and stared at her. " Did you come to report? "

She nodded and sat in front of him as she handed out the documents. After reading them quietly, Namjoon nodded his head with a satisfied look on his face before he glanced toward the woman.

" How are you doing? "

Sora's stiffed at the man's question and lowered her head. Taehyung bit his lips in response and held his hand out to comfort the girl but took it back, aware that it would be inappropriate given the situation.

" I'm fine. "

Both men in the room were able to pick the pain in her voice and grimaced.

Suddenly, Namjoon made a sign for Taehyung to leave his office. A bit hesitant, the hybrid glanced at the woman and clenched his fist. Reluctantly, he stepped out of the room, his eyes not leaving her figure until the door was completely shut.

Taehyung leaned against the door and decided to wait for her outside.

After a suffocating silence, Namjoon asked again. " How are you doing? "

Sora gulped, " Fine... "

" Sora. "

The weight in his voice made the woman snap her head toward him and frown.

" No one can hear you, Sora. You are safe here. "

As these words escaped the man's lips, the young woman broke down in tears. She cupped her face as she muttered how much she was missing Yoongi and felt helpless.

It has been more than two weeks since Yoongi's disappearance and the FPH was still not able to find him. She was afraid that the way she had parted with the wolf hybrid was going to be the last memory he would have of her. And she hated herself for that.

From the other side of the door, Taehyung was able to hear the woman's sorrow and sympathized with her. His hand traveling to the doorknob, he clenched his other while painfully biting his lips.

Being a close friend to Yoongi, the labrador hybrid felt the betrayal and pain that Sora was going through. He wondered if it was partially his fault that he wasn't able to help his friends despite being aware of his distress.

If he had been more attentive, more compassionate toward Yoongi, maybe he would still be here. Maybe Sora wouldn't be crying her heart out behind this door. Maybe he would have been able to cure Sora's anguish and Yoongi's loneliness.

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