TELLER OF LIES ( 거짓말쟁이 )

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" Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. "

-William Jennings Bryan

The young woman's gaze turned toward the street outside her window while she bough her knees closer to her chest. A way for her to feel some reassurance and warmth to soothe her distressing thoughts.

Reminiscing the conversation she had with Hyejin the day before, Sora had no idea how to process the sudden information she had obtained.

Discovering the true meaning behind Yoongi and Hyejin's relationship, Sora felt disgusted, mad, confused... All those negative emotions were swirling in her heart, unaware of how to contain them.

Song Hyejin had been in love with Yoongi from the second she had laid her eyes on the hybrid. And Yoongi was fully aware of this. To have an easier life with the Song, he used his lady's feeling for him to live safely until he had enough and ran away.

A feeling of guilt and madness had crawled inside Sora's heart, as she had finally realized in what kind of place she had let Yoongi go back to. She hadn't realized how much he had gone through, yet she dared to say that she knew him.

She felt so stupid. The words she had so easily spilled to Yoongi's face were stabbing her right back.

" I really... don't know him. "

However, this wasn't enough to waver her. This truth only made Sora more determined to bring Yoongi back.

Hearing knocks from her front door, Sora flinched before her eyes turned toward the noise and stood up to open the door.

" Detective Kim, and... Hoseok. " She breathed out.

Both men greeted her before the blond-haired man asked Sora if she was ready to leave. The young woman nodded as she quickly grabbed her phone from the counter and followed the men to their car.

" Do you remember the plan? " Asked the blond-haired man.

Sora nodded her head and replied, " Yes, you guys have been very clear about it yesterday. "

After listening to Hyejin's confession, Sora felt lost for a moment. She wandered in the streets until an officer from the FPH spotted her. The man quickly bought her to the quarters since the detectives were looking for her as soon as they had noticed her disappearance.

They obviously scolded her for doing something so rash, mostly their team leader, captain Shin. However, before any of those men were able to criticize her decision any further, Sora took out a recording from her pocket.

She explained that she had recorded her whole conversation with Song Hyejin to gather even more proof against her. She tossed the recording toward their way before she took a seat in front of them and crossed her legs with a smirk on her face.

" So, shall we bring my hybrid back home? " Asked Sora as she lifted an eyebrow.

Remembering their stunned face, made Sora grin in the back seat of the car before a voice broke her trance.

" Honestly, I don't know if I should compliment you for your courage or scold you for your carelessness, Sora. " Noted Hoseok in the car.

At the sound of his rash voice, Sora slightly tore her eyes away from the window and replied, " I would rather have you not say anything and find my hybrid, Hoseok. "

Detective Kim almost let a laugh escape his lips until he felt the ominous eyes of the black-haired man. He immediately closed his mouth shut and focused on driving while Hoseok cleared his throat and looked away.

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