MAGIC SHOP ( 매직 숍 )

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  " At the end of the day, life is about being happy being who you are, and I feel like we are so blessed to have the support system and the best family to really just support each other no matter what we're going through. "
-Kim Kardashian

The wolf hybrid was laying on the couch beside Sora, who was typing on her laptop while she hummed an unfamiliar song to herself. Eyes closed, blissful, listening to the music of her voice and the rhythm of her heartbeat. There was something so right about her being there beside him. He was starting to crave for her presence more each day, and he knew what that meant.

Those dark chocolate eyes that bore sweetness yet bitterness saw only innocence in front of him. Her emotions could not be easily hidden on her innocent face. Her frustration was evident in the crease of her eyebrows and the down-curve of her lips as she bites them in slight dissatisfaction. He couldn't help but let a chuckle leave his lips as he saw the frustration on her face, which caught her attention.

" What is it? " She innocently asked.

" Nothing. " The wolf replied as he closed his eyes and concentrated back again on the rhythm of her heartbeat.

The young woman could never understand what was going on in her hybrid mind. He was nothing violent and threatening, like how society would usually describe a wolf. He was actually docile and shy. His body bore scars while his mind bore traumas.

She glanced at him. His hand was supporting his head as his jet black hair was messed up. Because of the lack of sunlight, Sora could barely see the red highlights of his hairs and pointing ears, which would usually add glow and liveliness to his appearance. The white creamy tone of his skin reminded her of sugar, which added a smile on her lips.

She then remembered those two profound coffee-colored eyes. Spiked, sweet, but also warm, that could turn into a cold black at any moment.

" Will I also become a Lee? " His deep voice broke her trance.

She pondered for a moment before she asked back, " What do you mean? "

" You will adopt me. Will my last name become "Lee"? " He finally opened his eyes to gaze at her.

" Do you want to? " She asked back as she put her laptop away.

" ... I don't know. " Truthfully replied the hybrid.

He really didn't know. Never had he a choice on this kind of matter.

She stared back at him, " Hm... Well, Lee Yoongi doesn't sound bad but do you have another name in mind? "

" I might. " He answered. Sora urgently looked at him to spill out his thoughts. " I... Actually, I do have one in mind. " He sighed.

" Well, what is it? " The girl eagerly asked.

" Min... Min Yoongi. How does this sound? " For some reason, it sounded perfect to her.

She nodded, " It sounds great to me. It fits you well. Where did you get this last name from, though? "

" From my father. My father comes from the Min clan. " He confessed.

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