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" No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one! "

-C. JoyBell C

On tiptoes, Sora reached up the cupboard to grab a few mugs. Slowly, as she turned around, her eyes landed on the window. With a soft smile on her face, she walked up there. With her mugs her hands, Sora hoped to see the first shoots of spring.

The previous yellow, oranges, and red leaves were replaced with new green shades. A gradation of colors was coating the forest, leaving anyone under a spell of serenity.

" Sora! "

The woman turned toward the owner of the voice and grinned.

" Ah, Lisa. " She moved to walk toward her friend.

The blond-haired woman followed the previous line of vision of Sora and smirked, " And me who was wondering what took you so much time to grab the mugs...You were enjoying the view, I see. "

Sora walked up to Lisa and turned her eyes toward the colorful palette.

" Yeah, it's finally spring, and no matter how much we come to the treehouse, I get overwhelmed each time by this natural beauty. "

Lisa turned to the young woman with a frown, " The natural beauty of the forest, huh? "

A sighed of exasperation escaped her lips.

" You- " Lisa pointed outside. " I'm talking about this view. "

Said the woman as she pointed at their group of friends enjoying the nice weather while chatting.

Over a year had passed since the case with the Song had been closed. Sora hadn't heard of them since then. Song Hyujin had been sent to prison while Song Hyejin was living quietly in Japan, trying to recover from the loss of her father's company. The woman had never once tried to contact them, and Sora believed it was for the best.

Since Song Hyujin has been emprisoned, new reforms had been made to tighten the security around hybrids. A settlement between different Centers and the FPH had been formed to uphold those promises to protect those in need.

However, this unexpected unification was proven a bit difficult at first, and thus by the constant meeting between Sora and Hoseok. The pair was trying hard to keep things amicable between them, given their past, but it had obviously taken time for both to establish a friendly relationship.

Her eyes landing on the man in question, she waved at him through the window when he noticed her.

Starting everything from zero did take a lot of effort and time for both of them, thought the woman. Yet, it was proven to be efficient since they managed to recover from their wounds and become friends once more.

Her eyes then shifting toward the male next to Hoseok, her lips lifted up.

As for Yoongi, after a long discussion, the male had decided it was time for him to move out from Sora's house, and it has been almost a year since then. It would be a lie to say that their relationship hadn't changed, though. After becoming aware of the male feelings, Sora has become mindful of her actions and words. Nevertheless, she hadn't once broken her promise to Yoongi to stay by his side, but only by afar this time, though.

Suddenly, Lisa approached Sora and whispered in her ear, " What are you waiting for? "

Sora turned to look at her friend and stared at her as a confused expression invaded her face.

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