LONG TIME NO SEE ( 오랜만이야 )

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 " Never forgetting you was my worst mistake. " 

Leisurely, as each morning, Sora uncovered her face from the sheets of her bed. She blinked, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and blinked again. Streaks of sunlight penetrated through the curtains of her room and blinded her. She turned her face away from the sunlight while groaning in protest.

After a few minutes of procrastination, Sora started to hear movements in the next room. Yoongi woke up, she thought. With her eyes closed, she searched for her phone that was supposed to be next to her.

7:06am, she read.

" Too early... " Mumbled the woman.

She remembered having a movie marathon with Yoongi last night and slept late. She was surprised that Yoongi had even the strength to wake up to go to work. Well, he was more hard-working than one could think.

Sora laid on her back while she blocked the sunlight with her hand. In wonder, she contemplated a painting that she had fixed on the wall facing her bed.

In all honesty, she almost hasn't slept the night. Her thoughts drifted away between Song Hyejin and Yoongi.

Sora knew what she wanted, but she didn't know how far she would go to get what she wants.

All she knew for sure, was that Hyejin had power, and she wanted to show it. That was her attention from the start when she planned to meet her, but Sora was no fool. She knew how people like her worked. She had dealt enough with people like her to know what would be her next move.

However, something inside her was tingling.

" Will you still refuse if I tell you that I've found your lost best friend, Jung Hoseok? "

The young woman would be lying to say that she didn't feel conflicted for a mere second by her words. Hyejin knew where it would hurt and wanted to take advantage of it.

She groaned, " Why is life so complicated? "

Everything was going so smoothly before that woman appeared!

Suddenly, Sora was startled by knocking on her door room. " Yeah? "

" Sora, I've finished showering. If you wanna take a shower too, you should go now, or you gonna be late, it's 7:30 already. " Advised Yoongi from the other side of the door.

She chuckled at his thoughtfulness, and replied, " It's fine. I work late today. "

" Oh, so we aren't going to walk to work together? " He asked.

Sora stood up from her bed and opened the door. The scene before her almost crushed her heart. Yoongi's ears were flat, and his fluffy tail wasn't swinging as it would usually do. He looked like a child whose favorite toy was taken away from him.

" Not today, wolfie. I have a few things to take care of this morning, but tomorrow we can walk together to work if you want. "

He nodded.

" Good! " She stroked his beautiful dark hair until his tail started wagging in pleasure.

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