MOIRAE ( 모이라 )

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" There is only one kind of shock worse than the totally unexpected: the expected for which one has refused to prepare. "
- Mary Renault

The sound of people chattering while a piece of music was playing in the background had become the daily harmony of the wolf hybrid. His long and thin fingers were taping against the counter, following the rhythm of the song as his lips were mouthing out the lyrics. His long, black and fluffy tail wagged slowly from left to right while he was calmly preparing a caramel macchiato for a customer.

By reflex, he bore his deep black eyes outside the coffee shop and stared at the Center that was facing him. He titled his head in wonder, but his thoughts were soon cut off when his customer asked impatiently for her coffee. The young man apologized as he quickly gave her coffee and watched her leave the coffee shop in satisfaction.

The wolf hybrid spent the rest of his day making drinks, serving, smiling, and cashing the customers, but he couldn't stop his mind from drifting off into a place that was messing up his own heart and soul. Something was bothering him, but he didn't know what to do with this feeling. As soon as he finished his shift, he walked toward the Center instead of walking back home.

As soon as he got inside, he looked around until his eyes fell on an elevator far at his right. He walked toward it, and at the same time the doors opened, revealing a young woman with a tag on her shirt, "Momo" he read, and a little boy beside her. He quickly noticed by his smell that he wasn't a human but a hybrid, probably a black bear, he thought. He watched them leave the elevator as he got inside.

The doors slid shut, and the elevator rose to the third floor without stopping. Yoongi left the elevator and walked through a long corridor before arriving in front of Jaebum's office. He then knocked three times before he received a reply.

" Come in. "

The wolf hybrid didn't think twice and opened the door before shutting it behind him.

" Ah, Yoongi, please take a seat. " Offered Jaebum.

He looked at the chair in front of him and took a seat. " Why did you want to see me? I was surprised to receive a call from you this morning. " He asked.

" Sorry about that. Sora wasn't answering her phone, and I thought it would be better if I spoke to you directly. "

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as two questions arose in his mind.

One, why didn't Sora answer her phone? And two, why did Jaebum need to see him at his office?

" ...What do you want to talk about? " He finally asked.

" Let me explain the situation first. A few days ago, two agents from the Federal Protection of Hybrids came asking for some pieces of information about hybrids disappearing around Hongdae. They even gave us a detailed description of the hybrids in question and asked if the Center had ever found someone like them. " He finished while he bored his eyes into Yoongi's.

Confused, Yoongi frowned and asked, "... And? Have you? "

" Not quite. " Jaebum shrugged.

" Then what does it have anything to do with me? "

" ... The whole description didn't fit quite perfectly because of the species of the hybrids. But concerning the color, appearance, height, and approximative age, it's a perfect match... " Jaebum grabbed a piece of paper and started reading it out loud. " A male hybrid, with black hair and fur, between the age of 19, and 25 and between 5,5 and 5,7 feet. He might have been found a few months ago and is said to be from a dog breed. " He put down the paper and stared at the young male.

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