NAME ( 이름 )

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" Every name is real. That's the nature of names. " 

-Jerry Spinelli

Late at night, Sora stared at the moon, admiring the stars that were shining in the midnight blue sky. Her eyes focused on the satellite of the Earth while a bitter smile spread on her face. Her thoughts were collected, but her feelings were still in a chaotic state.

Her eyes fluttered at the stars as she recalled yesterday's event.

For her, narrating her story to Yoongi had more of an impact, that she had initially considered. She had to remember things that she had wished to seal away. Show a vulnerable part of herself that no one had yet to see.

Yet, she did it.

She told him about her past, her nerve-wracking emotions, and her fears.

And as if a spell had been cast on her, Sora silently closed her eyes. Her conscious fading away, she listened to Yoongi's sweet words of comfort in her ears.

His harmless promise to never leave her side until she had decided otherwise.

However, what Sora had failed to notice, were the tears that were soundlessly streaming down his chubby cheeks. His unique thoughts about his affection for her and his fears about leaving her.

After all, she was to him merely but a sweet poison.

As the young woman opened her eyes back to reality, she noticed that it was past midnight. Her thoughts quickly shifted to her own promise to spend the rest of the week with Yoongi and her friends.

She laid her back against the mattress of her bed and exhaled. As she made a wish upon the stars, Sora quietly fell asleep.

Swiftly, the sounds of birds tweeting awoke the young woman from her sleep. Confused, she frowned and laid her eyes toward her window. A decision that Sora had quickly regretted as she was blinded by the ray of sunlight.

" Ah... " She moved her hand to block the daylight and sighed.

She felt like she had gotten to sleep only a few minutes ago. She turned around, looking for her phone, and as she found it, she turned it on to look at the time.

" 8:09am? "

All of sudden, noises from downstairs grabbed her attention. Was Yoongi already awake? She asked herself.

Unreluctantly, Sora sat up on her bed, blinked, stood up, and blinked again. She stretched her body as a yawn escaped from her lips and walked toward the bathroom.

Her face was quite a sight to see. She had failed to notice before, but the bags under her eyes and the obvious war state of her hair had only worsened overnight.

The young woman sighed before deciding to take a shower and tidy herself up a bit while on the other side of the house, Yoongi was preparing their breakfast.

He neatly prepared a bowl of stew with rice and some dishes as accompaniments while waiting for Sora to get downstairs. Yoongi then took a seat while his eyes were focused on the stairs. His ears twitched at the sound of familiar footsteps, and a smile spread on his face.

He then tore his eyes away from there to look at his plate.

" Oh, it smells good. " Noted the high pitched voice.

Yoongi giggled, " Well, of course, since I made it. "

" Yeah, yeah, master cook. " Sora took her seat and quickly took a bite of the stew and hummed. " As expected, it tastes really good. "

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