LIFE ( 인생 )

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" My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds. That in itself is an accomplishment. And they bring to mind something else, too. They remind me that the damage life has inflicted on me has, in many places, left me stronger and more resilient. What hurt me in the past has actually made me better equipped to face the present. "
-Steve Goodier

The young hybrid woke up from his sleep feeling suddenly better and didn't have any more headaches, but panic took over him when he noticed that someone took off his jacket and shoes, and he couldn't recognize the place he woke up at.

His ears twitched at the sound of someone tapping on their keyboard, and a sweet fragrance of flowers took over his nostril. He got up from the bed, took his things, put his jacket and shoes on, and carefully came out of the room.

After walking down the stairs, the young hybrid noticed a woman sitting on a sofa typing without rest on the keyboard of her laptop. He sniffed the air to see if there was anyone else in the house, but he smelled no one else present.

Sora was working in her living room with her laptop on her thighs. She was gathering data of this month rescued hybrids and noted the name of the cat hybrid Taehyung had spoken about to her this morning, Sehun. She hoped for him to be adopted into a loving family.

As the young woman was too engrossed in her work, she failed to notice that someone was standing behind her.

" Where am I? "

Sora jumped from her seat and turned around to see the male hybrid she had helped early this night angrily looking at her.

" ...You are at my house. I found you near a dumpster in the heavy rain and decided to take you home with me. You had a slight fever, but I can see that you are doing okay now. "

She slowly got up from her seat, not wanting to scare him or anything. Whereas he was blankly looked at her before he suddenly decided to walk toward the front door.

" Where are you going? " She tried to stop him by grabbing his hand, but he quickly slapped her hands away.

" Don't touch me. " Growled, menacingly the hybrid.

Sora was shocked at the fact that the hybrid was looking at her as if he had just touched venom, that it took her a couple of seconds to process his words.

" I'm sorry. I just wanted to help. It's still raining outside, and a storm is about to start. If you go out now, you will get sick or even die. You don't have a place where you can shelter yourself from the rain, right? You can stay here, and if you want, you can leave tomorrow morning when the rain had stopped. So until then, please stay. "

She stared at him, hoping for him to accept to stay at her place for the night because she knew that he was definitely going to get sick if he was going to get out in that state. He was still wet from the rain and looked weak because of the fever that he barely got away from.

More importantly, it was Sora's job to protect and help him.

He, however, ignored her words and was about to open the door until they both heard a huge thunder. The hybrid flinched at the sound and quickly stepped back.

" See? I wasn't lying. " He glared at her without saying a word. But she guessed that his stare talked more than his mouth. He didn't like her, for sure. " You can stay in the guest room. I can bring you some clothes for you to change and you can also take a bath. " At the sound of a bath, his ears twitched.

Without a word, he entered back in the living room.

Sora showed the hybrid the bathroom so he could take a warm bath to relax and gave him spare clothes. When she was about to leave, she heard him mumbling a thank you, which made her smile.

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