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" I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. "
- Vincent Van Gogh

Tick, tock, tick, tock... Without missing a beat, Yoongi listened quietly to the clock ticking in their room. While Minhyuk and Hyungwoo were talking about the homework they had to do for next week, Jimin was seating on the floor next to him. He was holding a coffee-colored illustration book in his hand while Yoongi was blankly staring at the obscure sky.

When he finally tore his eyes away from this view and glanced at the clock. 7:12 pm, he read.

His ears suddenly twitched at the sounds of footsteps getting nearer their room.

" They are here. " Stated Minhyuk.

After a few knocks, their door room swung open, revealing a young man in his uniform.

All boys all stood up from their seats, even Minhyuk and Hyungwoo. Then, they all walked toward the man.

He then noticed the other kids from their class and some others that he assumed were from the other Levels.

" N°4735 and N°4742, correct? " Asked the man while he was pointing at the boys as they immediately nodded their heads.

" Good, you are the last one. " Said the man as he noted something on a notepad.

" Do we need to take something with us? " Asked Yoongi, to which the warden quickly replied, " That wouldn't be necessary. "

Yoongi and Jimin then turned toward their roommate and nervously waved at them, wishing them a good night since they didn't know where they were going or for how long they would be gone.

Soon enough, the group left the boy's dormitory and noticed that the hybrids from the girl's dorms were already standing in front of the facility entrance. Next to them, were some other wardens and four minivans.

" Where are they going to take us? " Asked the panther hybrid, N°4739.

" To another building. Deep in the forest. " Replied the jaguar hybrid, N°4727.

Deep in the forest? Another building?

Yoongi turned toward Jimin, and looking at his eyes, he knew they were thinking about the same thing.

" Do you think it's that building? " He whispered.

Yoongi shook my head, " I'm not sure, but it looks like it. "

The route the van took was completely different from the one that he, Jimin, and Minhyuk took, but they did arrive in front of the C building.

" It is that building. " Stated Jimin while the wolf hybrid silently nodded.

While they were all standing in line in front of the entrance, from the corner of his eyes, Yoongi noticed a familiar face. The Catahoula Leopard dog hybrid he saw on his first day at the facility. She was the one who dared to raise her voice against one of the humans.

When he saw she had a gloomy look on her face, he immediately looked around to see where her sister was, but to his surprise, he could see her nowhere. What happened to her? He wondered.

Suddenly, another familiar voice erupted in front of them. It was the same voice that the hybrids heard in the megaphone when they came to the facility. Unlike the wardens who were wearing a black uniform, this man was wearing a night blue suit with a white shirt tugged in his pants. From the wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, he assumed he was at the end of his forties. His brunette hair was neatly styled back, giving him a clean yet stern look.

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