Chapter 3

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Matsu yawns as she sat in a tree next to giyu who was wide awake. He glanced at her as he pats her head.
"You can rest until need be..."he said as he kept his eyes open for the demon. Suddenly a soft melody was heard as a demon With a ugly bluish grey color as he held a violent. Giyu glares before seeing matsu follow the sound.
'she's a kid too so I guess it makes sense...'

Giyu now had a rescue and excuse mission.

He snuck into the house the demon lead the five children including matsu.
"oh look at you Delicious cuties!"he giggled having a long snake like tongue the demon was quite large. He paused seeing matsu his tongue grabs her tail and shook her awake. He drops her next to her.
"since your cute we'll share you get one I get three"he said. Matsu looked around worried for her human friend.
His tongue wraps around the first one.
"looks like you'll be the lucky one..."
Giyu ran over as he sliced his tongue off and caught the unconscious child as he watched the tongue around the child evaporate as the tongue on the demon grew longer and large next time.

"hahaha! I must thank you! I was too scared to cut it off myself..."he said as he attacks as he slaps his sword away. Giyu glares he wasn't powerless he was Just troubled 'I could carry the children but i couldn't find any openings on this damned demon...if i dodged there's a slight chance he'll get a hold of one of them...which choice...'

Matsu looked at the scene.
'protect giyu...protect giyu ...giyu family!'she thinks before she growls her eyes narrowing at the demon.
Matsu let out a loud growl as she bites the demons legs as he drags him back before tossing him out of the house and to the one across from the one he was originally thrown in.

The demon grunts as he sits up. Matsu stood in front of giyu growling as she charged and gave him a head but to the chest making him fly back as she jumps on his shoulder and pulls large chunks of meat from his body.

Giyu stood shocked before he took the children back to safety.
He then goes to the fight as his eyes widen.
The demon had stepped on matsu and threw her quite far.
Giyu's eyes darken as he picks up his Sword.
"water breathing first form.."he said as he charged at the large demon. He decapitated his head not even watching it die since he knew it didn't exist.

He then turns towards the direction Matsu was thrown.
"matsunoki! Answer me !"he calls.
There was a weak yowl as giyu looks near a tree. He saw a tail as he dug her out of the snow.
Giyu gave her the bottle of milk for her to drink. He walked away from the town and towards headquarters. He looked at the weak demon. He rubs head gently as he sighs.
"your quite loyal... So stay strong..."he said. He placed her in the box as he looks up seeing headquarters.
"don't mess this up "

Because of you (giyu x demon child)OcWhere stories live. Discover now