Chapter 5

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E͢x͢t͢e͢n͢d͢e͢d͢ f͢a͢m͢i͢l͢y͢

Giyu gave tanjro a dark glare while the young demon slayer was sweating bullets.
The sword was put away as he sighs.
"but I must thank you as well..."he said. Matsu slept in his hold as he looks at her.
"You influence about your sister and how not all demons are bad allowed to spare and befriend matsu"he said. "but tanjiro I want you to find that cure..."he asks.

Tanjiro smiles and nods.
"I will do my best!"he said.
"since you don't have a place to stay please allow me to welcome you to my mansion "he said.
"oh wow!! Thank you for letting us stay!"tanjro says.

Giyu finally had the chance to give matsu the correct bath but tanjiro insisted he do it.
"are you sure you can handle this?"giyu said more worried about tanjiro and the others than matsu. Matsu laid on his shoulder as she yawns seeming she woke up recently.
"don't worry about us! And besides the way you said it makes it obvious that you need a break"he said.
Giyu sighs not wanting to argue as simply agrees.

Nezuko growls at first since she was defensive since she was a demon. Matsu yowls as she hugs nezuko happy to meet a demon like her.
Nezuko froze before she saw a a little girl that she seemed to remember.
Nezuko rubs her head before she picks her up and hugs the tiny demon.
Tanjiro smiles softly at the scene before he rolls up his sleeves.
"Alrighty! Matsunoki time for your bath!"

Giyu was training in his yard staying energized and fit and constantly pushing his limit.
Nezuko ran over as he turns
"is there something wrong?"he asks. Nezuko lead giyu inside as she points to the scenery. Tanjiro inosuke and zenitsu where trying to catch the small demon as she hops around and climbs the wall.
Zenitsu jumps and tackles her as he picks her up.
"I caught the demon!"he said happily until he paused. "OH MY GOD I TOUCHED A DEMON I'M GONNA DIIIEEEEE!"he cries as he drops maths as he flops on the floor and rolls around like a fish out of water.

"You idiot you dropped her!"inosuke yells as he chased her.

Giyu blinked as he sighs. He pulls out her bone and placed it on the floor.
Mausu growls at inosuke before she saw the bone. She jumps on the pig head an onto the floor as she grabs the bone and happily bites it.
The three turn as they looked shocked Giyu picks her up.
"I will bathe her then..."he said walking past. "Afterwards dinner will be ready I suggest you get cleaned before hand"he said.

He goes to the bathing area as he grabs a smaller bowl. He helps her undress which was already and pain since she was no help.
Once finally in the water he gave her back the bone so she wouldn't fight back. Taking off his robe so he didn't get it dirty he rolls his sleeves up before he began to bathe the girl.

Matsu looks at the bubbles on her hand as she sniffs the soap before opening her mouth.
Giyu grabs her hand and moves it away from her lips.
"don't eat that"he said cleaning her tail. She growls as she nibbled the bone. Giyu turns the bowl around having her face him before he took the bone away.
She gave him a confused cooe.
"I'll give it back in a second he said as he cleans her front.
She had so much dirt on her he had to replace the water twice. Giyu moved to her face as her carefully scrubs off the layers of dirt on it.
She lets out a cute nya. Giyu couldn't help but find that adorable. He grabs a warm cup of water and pours it on her head. She squeals making a happy sound. Giyu hums before looking at her hair.

He ended up being stuck cleaning her hair for longer than he expected but that was half the fact he played with her ears for a while. Plus chased her around when he had to comb out her hair. He found both her ears and tail soft. When clean he looked surprised.
"being clean makes a difference "he said drying her off.

He gave her an guest robe that was too big before he placed her out of the room so he could clean himself.

Giyu sighs as he closed his eyes letting his mind go blank. Suddenly there was a splash. Giyu opens his eyes to See the small demon swimming in front of him as she yowls happily.

Giyu gave sighs as he closed his eyes. His mind went blank as he heard the faint sounds of splashing and yowls.
"stop trying to eat the soap"

Tanjro was laughing as matsu sat on his head and knocked on his forehead shocked at how hard it was.
"hey now that's she's clean..."tanjiro said as he held her and pets her As she cooes.
"she kind of looks like a pine Marten"he said as he rubs Her ears.
Giyu turns as be picks up matsu slightly jealous how they were getting too close.

There was a knock on the door as giyu answers. Kocho smiles.
"I made some clothes for matsunoki "she said as she gave him a spotted robe and a dress. Giyu hums as he turns to matsu who wore the guest robe.
"matsu,  go change "he said handing her the clothes and placing her down. She sat on the floor as she stood up and goes inside nezuko's box.

She came back as the robe dragged as she smiles.
Kocho laughs.
"it's too big "she said about to take it off. Matsu hid behind giyu as she hissed.
Kocho hums "I guess she likes it anyways"she said laughing
"well that's all I have some new people at the mansion I see you later"she said waving.

Matsu sat down as she looks up at giyu who walks outside. She watched him before she ran over and sat by him before she paused hearing a gentle jingle. She turns to the bells that where gently blowing in the wind. Giyu turns as she jumps and grabs them. She shakes it as she smiles her tail wagging she turns to giyu as she ran over with It and placed it on his hand. He held it leaving the bell silent between his fingers.
Matsu grabs his hand and gently shakes it causing the bell to make the sound. Matsu yowl as she grabs another and shakes it while running around his training field while the demon slayer watched her. He looks at the bell in his hand as well as the others on the floor.

He stood up and grabs them before grabbing some fabric. He goes back to the demon who was in the tree as she shakes the bell with joy in jer heart.

"matsu come down"he said.  Matsu turn as she placed the bell in her mouth even if it was hard to grasp.
She lands in front of him as he kneels down. He placed his hand out.
"Can I have the bell?"he asks. Matsu backs away with a frown as she takes the bell from her mouth and shook the bell slightly.
"I promise to give it back"he said truthfully. Matsu placed the bell in his hand. He grabs the fabric and tied the bells to the white cloth. He looks at matsu.
"Please come to me"he said. Matsu did so she normally wasn't allowed to be this close unless he didn't realize. He place the fabric around her ears with two bells.
He pats her head the bells making a small jingle as matsu's face brightens.

She shook her head as the musical sound was heard. She jumps happily as she ran around the sound of the bells following her. She jumps on tanjiro and shook her head and then on inosuke as she did the same. She gave zenitsu an awkward look as he had a panic attack.

Matsu ran back to giyu who was sitting outside looking at the moon. Be glanced as her. She sat next to him as she looks at her feet.
Giyu stared as he picks up the demon and placed her on his lap gently rubbing her body in a comforting way. Matsu purrs cuddling the human which she loved dearly.

Giyu smiles softly at the demon he still didn't understand why this was happening but he wasn't going to let it bother him. He knew not every night will be like this so he decided to enjoy this one.

Cause for once he was happy

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