Chapter 7

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"stop it..." giyu said as matsu tied herself to a tree. Giyu walks over as un-tied the tree and lifts her up and placed her in the bag.
"It's just another mission" he said casually. Matsu growls not liking where they might be going.

Giyu arrived at a area with tall grass as a small house stood in the middle of the grassy field.
He walks through the grass as he knocks on the door.
The door opened to reveal a young boy the age of 12.
"Mother father he's here"he said.  Matsu began to growl Giyu gave her a confused glance. A woman with dark blue hair similar to matsu walks over.
"Oh thank goodness please come inside and we'll explain the situation..."she said moving to the side.
Giyu steps inside as a taller male glanced at him.

"It started happening about two years ago. A demon living in our grass fields so it was hard in the winter to get wood..."the mother said. The box began to shake as growls and scratches where faintly heard.
"One night our daughter went out...and it...killed her..."the father said. "I-I... regret it all so much...we didn't even hear her cries-"
Suddenly the box busted open as matsu lets out a angered yowl before giyu caught her. Even so she still struggled to get out of his hold. The family froze before their eyes widen.
"Matsunoki!"they said. Giyu looks at the family.
"So...your matsu's family..?"he said.

Matsu had her back turned towards all of them as her tail taps the lightly against giyu's shoulder .
"What happened?"he said as he leaned against the wall.
"we..went inside without matsu, even though we heard her pleas we ignored her-"
"why?"giyu said his eyes narrowing.
"we first were too scared that If we opened the door the demon would get us...and..."The mother went silent as well as the father.
"and..?"giyu said slightly impatient.
"mother, father and I...didn't love her "the boy said. Giyu glared.
"so your telling me you purposely sacrificed a three year old to a demon out of fear and hate?"he said crossing his arms.
"y-yes but we regret it dearly we love her and care for matsu..."The boy said. Matsu growls as giyu glanced at her.
"stop talking"he said.
"No! She needs to know" the mother pleas. Giyu sighs closing his eyes.
"matsu we're Sorry please forgive us-" mustu turns as She growls and jumps on the table in front of them.
"NEVER FORGIVE! "she yells tears fell from her face.
"You...hurt me...let me die! I angry...lonely sad! You no Giyu!
You no Family! You bad! Badder than the demons! I no love I HATE YOU! " she shouts.

The family listens in shame and
Giyu watched before standing up straight.
"The demon will be killed and I will make sure we don't come back here"he said coldly as he walks to the door. The family stayed quiet.
"Stay here matsu"he said as he left.
Matsu growls as she sat down her back facing them. Before anything else the demon grabs the family. Matsu turns as she growls at the demon but she was hesitant.

No matter what they may have done or treated you always protect and save humans if you know you can

Matsu growls remembering giyu's words as she jumps and kicked the demon causing it to let go of the family as she jumps onto the nearest tree and sets them on a strong branch.
"You saved us?"the father said.
Matsu growls as she hops down next to Giyu who stood in front of the dead demon. Giyu turns as he picks up matsu and rubs her head making her nya happily.
"You did good"he said he glanced at the family as they climbed down. They looked at matsu who looked away as she growls. Giyu place her on his shoulder as he walked away.

Giyu swore that he would never leave matsu like her family did.

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