Chapter 11

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lets just take a moment to admire that photo....

i mean do you not see that back and those arms....

and them fingers are on point so is the lighting

that stare too TwT matsu is lucky..........

i'll stop now.....

Giyu's eyes opened slowly as he began to recognize his surroundings.

"Oh thank goodness you're finally awake"said a voice. The male turns to see Shinobu and Muichiro waiting for him. He turns away as he looks for matsu.
"She's resting over there," Muichiro said calmly.

Giyu turns to see Matsu laying on the pillow in the Dark area. Giyu stood up ignoring his pain as he walked over to her.
"Is she injured?"he said, glancing back at the two.
"Just low on energy, she'll be fine tomorrow," Muichiro said honestly." She dragged you most of the way here and defended you before I arrived "he adds.
Giyu turns to Matsu as He rubs her head gently. Matsu cooes as she snuggled him. She opens her eyes seeing the demon slayer she loved awake.
She squeals as she jumps onto him, her tail wagging as she snuggles him.

Giyu was taken back by this but pats her back, very proud of the demon which he let to sneak into his heart.
"Good job matsu"he said before pausing as he looks at her ears as he cups her face. He noticed her bells were gone as he sighs at pats her head.
"I'll get you some new bells,"Giyu said as Matsu hugs his hand, her tail still wagging.

Tanjiro found out that giyu had woken up as he decided to do a surprise party.

Giyu walks out with Matsu who was holding his robe as she chirps happily, her tail wagging as she follows her human friend.
Suddenly tanjiro, nezuko and the others appeared.
"SURPRISE TOMIOKA!!!!!!!" The group cheered. Matsu squeaks as she hides under the robe at the sudden loud noise.
Giyu closed his eyes and scrunched his face at the loud noise.
"Is this seriously necessary "he sighs.
"I believe it will be rather enjoyable and we all deserve a break" Rengoku said with a smile as he walked over and pats jiyu on the shoulder. Giyu gave them a resting bitch face as he sighs.
'I honestly would prefer to be alone with Matsu' he thinks as he felt the small demon child hug his leg. Giyu bends down and picks her up.
"Fine, let's have this party,"he said.

Giyu found himself sitting with kanroji and shinobu.
"Please tell me you have something planned about her hair,"Shinobu said. Giyu glanced at Matsu who was sitting on Inosuke's shoulder as he stood rather proud that the demon wanted to be with him.
"I keep her hair healthy-"
"But dress up her hair! It's so cute and pretty but you're not letting her hair go to its full potential!"kanroji said as she shinobu chuckled.
"I didn't believe that was necessary,"he said blankly.
"At least do a bun, like this"shinobu said as she designed her hair and explained giyu watched only cause he thought it would be helpful rather than having to take out all the sticks and leaves that somehow got in her hair.

"And done,"she said as Shinobu showed the male her beautiful bun.
"Now go do something about that hair!"kanroji said. Giyu sighs as he turns to Matsu who was now sitting in Zenitsu's lap, who finally got used to her.
"Matsu" giyu said. Matsu turns and runs over as she jumps into his lap before looking up at giyu with an adorable smile.
Giyu holds back any emotion as he pats her head and turns to the girls.
"Do any of you have a comb?"he said.
"Oh oh! I do! I always keep my lady things close"kanroji smiles as she pulls out a comb. Giyu took the comb as he first showed matsu who obviously tried to eat the object. Giyu then carefully combed out her hair which wasn't as knotted as he believed it would be. Matsu was confused but stayed still as she enjoyed the relaxing feeling of the comb.
The girls watched making sure he was doing everything he was supposed to.
'Awe he's so fatherly to the demon child he'll be an excellent husband when he grows up' the love hashira thinks with a loving gaze.
'hate to admit, but this is adorable...' Shinobu thinks with a small smile.
Giyu became curious as he got some water and damped Matsu's hair as he used his fingers to curl her hair as he instead made curled buns.
"You're all done," he said. Shinobu and kanroji's eyes widened as they smiled.
"I didn't know you could be this creative,"Shinobu said. Giyu didn't respond as he gave matsu a mirror that kanroji gave her earlier.
Matsu holds the mirror as her eyes widen, her tail wags, she looks at giyu and points at her hair as giyu hums.
Matsu was beyond joy as she ran around the area showing off her new hair style.

That morning Giyu was told that a new demon slayer was here and since he could not greet her since one he wasn't in the best condition to move around too much and two, he wanted to stay inside with matsu.
So the new slayer is coming to the mansion.
There was a knock as Giyu walked over with Matsu on his shoulder as he leaned on a wall in a darker area so the sun wouldn't touch them.
"Come in," Giyu said. The door opens as a girl with blue hair walks in. She turns and smiles. Giyu hunched an eyebrow as matsu tilts her head.
'Why am i getting a sense of deshavo?' giyu thinks
"H-hello i'm T-teruhashi Koko-omi." The girl said pretending to be shy. Giyu sighs annoyed and matsu huffs annoyed.
'She's just like that other girl...." 

kokomi, just with diffrent clothes like this...

kokomi, just with diffrent clothes like this

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