The Finale - Part 36

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Two weeks had already passed since Jaehyun had been admitted to the hospital. The joyless New Year had come and gone with no thoroughfare to follow the soulless festivities. As you and Jaehyun's parents gathered around his bed on New Year's day, you silently prayed that he would wake up soon, but deep down you were expecting the worst.

"Ma'am your boyfriend may wake up and not remember who you are," the nurse uttered in a hushed tone, "A lot of the patients who wake up from a coma often forget who they are, their name and small details like that. It's like they're a different person."

"B-but," you managed to say in a shaky tone, your throat was dry and scratchy from the hospital air, "That's not every case right? What about people who wake up totally fine?"

"Yes, it's not every case, but his body and mind are under a constant state of stress. The outcome is totally unpredictable. The best thing you can do for him right now is talk to him. Even if he doesn't respond. Encourage him to remember who he is and indeed who you are, his mind may still be awake and listening."

You took the nurses advice and after Mr and Mrs Jeong had gone home for the night to refresh themselves you pulled up a chair and sat by Jaehyun's bedside. Hesitantly, you reached out your hand and intertwined your fingers with his. His hand lay limp and icy cold, but you could see his blue veins running underneath his delicate skin, showing that life was still in his body.

Maybe the nurse was right, although Jaehyun would not be able to respond he was in fact still alive and could possibly be able to recognise your voice as well as decipher your words.

"Hey Jae, it's me Y/N," you called out to him, your voice was barely audible over the beeping and humming of the life support machines, "Thanks for your letter. I read it the other night and it made me feel so much better. I'm sorry you couldn't give it to me in person and see my reaction...But trust me I really enjoyed it. To be honest, even though you say you've been a neglectful boyfriend you're still better than me. I have to tell you the truth as well. It's been heavy on my heart for quite some time." 

You watched Jaehyun's face, waiting for some type of reaction. His eyes remained shut, long eyelashes brushing his pale cheeks.

"You remember the night Mark asked me out for dinner? I actually kissed him that night and told him I loved him." tears began welling up in your eyes, "I feel like I've betrayed you because that wasn't the last time Mark and I kissed. We also made out on Christmas day."

You wiped the tears away with the sleeve of your sweater, "You've been nothing but nice to me ever since we became a serious couple and look what I've done to you. I've been such an awful girlfriend. I hope that when you wake up you can forgive me, and we can start all over again. Oh and Jaehyun, I think I'm pregnant. It's been over a month now and my period still hasn't come."


It was a snowy day outside. In fact, it had been heavily snowing in the city for over a week now, blanketing everything in white. It almost felt like you were in a snow globe. You had been watching over Jaehyun. His parents were getting coffees from the cafeteria at the moment.

Then, out of the corner of your eye you saw movement. Jaehyun's finger twitched upwards, as if he wanted to be noticed. You rushed over to the bed and fell to your knees.

"Jae." you called out his name, hoping it would elicit some type of response. It did, and immediately afterwards Jaehyun's eyes began to open.

He lazily blinked his eyes, struggling against the feeling of wanting to fall back into the coma.

"Come on Jae, please...You can do this." You said to him, urging him to push against the darkness.

Jaehyun screwed his eyes shut, seemingly exhausted by the brief spasm of energy.

"T-the light...It's t-too bright." Jaehyun mumbled.

Excited that he had just said his first words after months of being in a coma, you jumped up and flicked the hospital room lights off.

"Is it better now?" you said, waiting for his response.

Jaehyun tried again, this time he was successful in opening his eyes. You watched as his pupils dilated, carefully adjusting to the light and his new surroundings.

"Where am I?" Jaehyun muttered.

"You're in the hospital babe, do you remember who I am?" You looked longingly into his eyes.

He moved his lips but no words came out, "Yes." Jaehyun finally said with a grin.

"Do you remember who you are?"

Jaehyun snickered, "Of course I do Peach."

You almost cried at his words, overjoyed by his reaction. At least he still had a sense of humor. You slowly stood to your feet, not quite believing that this day had finally come. You leaned onto the bed and bent down, giving Jaehyun a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I've missed you." Jaehyun said.

"Do you remember anything from when you were in the coma?" you hoped that your confession had not been kept in his mind.

Jaehyun looked confused for a second. It was the way his eyes glazed over and stared off into the distance, as if trying to find a familiar figure.

"Yes," he said in his croaky voice, "I remember everything you told me. About Mark and about your pregnancy."

"I'm - " You looked down at your hands, suddenly embarrassed, "I'm so sorry Jae."

"Me too."


"Because I really love you. And I'm afraid that no matter what you do to me, no matter how many times you hurt me, I will always love and forgive you no matter what. You and all your imperfections.."

"S-so you're not angry at me?"

"I can't be angry with you," Jaehyun smiled again while lovingly gazing deep into your eyes, 

"Not now that I've woken up from a coma. I'm thankful to be alive more than anything. And I can't be angry at you, since you're carrying my child."

You broke down and cried at his heartfelt words, "I promise, from now on it's going to be a fresh start. We can forget about everything and move on from the past. I love you and I want to be with you forever."

"I know it will be a fresh start for the both of us, it's the best option we have. I believe in us, and I know that I will love you till the end of time." he said with a reassuring dimpled smile.

God, how you had missed that smile. That unforgettable smirk that had entranced you since the first day you two had met. Even after all this time you were still madly in love with Jaehyun. He was still the one for you. It was if destiny had pushed you two together, creating a love that would endure all hardships.

Writer's Note:

Dear Readers, yes this is the end. I've had such a wonderful time writing this book. I hope that the final chapter was satisfying and all the loose threads of the story have been tied up in a nice way.


To celebrate this special occassion I will release one more chapter - this one will be NSFW and EXTRA SPICY! Just to give you a tiny spoiler, it's set when Jaehyun and Y/N are married lol. Keep your eyes out for notifs ;)

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