Pretty Boy - Part 22

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Disclaimer: this is a long chapter so get comfortable and prepare for trouble!


The crisp smell of the ocean air was a welcome change from the smog of the city. As you walked along the shoreline with Jaehyun all your troubles seemed to wash away with every wave that splashed at your feet. Jaehyun tenderly held your hand in his. Your hand was small in comparison to his.

It was warm and cozy just to walk shoulder to shoulder with him in silence. He exuded a calming presence, something you had noticed since the first day he became your tutor. His almond shaped eyes seemed to say "everything will be okay."

You squealed in surprise as Jaehyun scooped you up in his arms and began to run as you clung to his neck, trying not to fall. He laughed, carrying you up and down the beach like it was nothing.

"Jaehyun let me go!" you objected.

"Okay princess!" Jaehyun replied and placed you delicately onto the sand.

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. The rough backs of his fingers grazed your cheeks, sending shivers down your spine. In the early morning light Jaehyun seemed to be glowing, like an ethereal Fae prince that you had somehow been enthralled by. But something about his eyes, the way he watched carefully for your emotions and responded to your touch made him brutally human.

Even though he seemed calm and collected you could tell he was nervous.

"Jae are you okay?" you asked puzzled by the way he had grown quiet.

"I'm fine." he said, giving you a light-hearted chuckle.

You pouted and maintained steady eye contact, urging him to tell you the truth. His lips formed a straight line, making dimples settle into his cheeks.

Jaehyun sighed and resigned to your intense gaze, "It's the first time I've taken you out on a date...And I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right. I don't want to mess up with you. You're too precious to me."

Your heart melted as you heard him utter these words, "But Jae, you're doing everything perfectly. How could I complain?"

Jaehyun smiled down at the ground, his cheeks grew red at your compliment, "Thanks peach."

There were only 2 hours till class would start and the two of you were still at the beach. The weather had taken a turn for the worst, leaving you with no other option, but to seek refuge in the car. Luckily, you had a pretty big old Jeep your late father had passed onto you, and even though it creaked and groaned in the strong gusts, it was solidly built.

You and Jaehyun sat, chatting and listening to the radio and the sound of the rain pitter patter against the window. Outside was cold but it was nice and warm inside.

"Hey!" you suddenly exclaimed, breaking the monotony of the conversation, "Remember that bet you made?" A grin covered your face, thinking about what Jaehyun had said weeks earlier.

Jaehyun perked up his eyebrow, a quizzical look covering his face, "Huh?"

You teased him, "Remember, that night when you first came to my apartment?"

Jaehyun's eyes narrowed, "What are you getting at, baby?"

"Well you said that if I manage to get straight A's..." you snickered.

A look of recollection flashed across Jaehyun's eyes, making them grow wide, "Oh you're naughty."

"Says you!" you punched Jaehyun in the arm. 

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