Dreams - Part 16

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The bustling and lively city streets had lost their magical aura as you stepped out of the looming apartment building behind you. Wearing nothing but your black dress and scuffed heels you wandered aimlessly in a drunken stupor.

You had hoped that you would catch up with Mark at the train station just down the street, so you could apologise for rejecting him so brutally. You had envisioned a scene where you rushed up to him, whispering sweet nothings into his ears as he held you in his arms and forgave you for your imprudent ways. Then the two of you would kiss on the station platform while a train roared by and people ran past you like it was a scene from a movie.

But of course, that never happened and by the time you got to the station, frightened by its maze of passageways and dazzling neon lights, you immediately left and headed back to Jungkook's apartment, silently praying that he would let you crash there for the night. There was no other option and you were in no state to drive yourself home. Right now you wanted nothing more than just to lie in someone's arms and be held.

Ringing on the intercom you were let in by Jimin and made your way up in the elevator, this time avoiding all eye-contact with the porter, embarrassed by your disheveled state and hair that was no doubt poking up in all sorts of directions.

By the time you arrived at the apartment, almost everyone had left the party, only some stragglers remained, stretched across the couch, totally passed out on the floor or lingering in the hallways with their new found lovers. Your eyes grew wide as the mess of the afterparty came into focus. Rubbish littered the floor, confetti covered the dance area and drink spills created by clumsy guests lay everywhere.

Jungkook was reclined on a couch, head angled back, eyes closed with a half-finished drink perched proudly like a trophy in his hand. He sat handsomely dressed in a black Versace suit, one leg crossed over the other like a true gentleman.

"Hey Jungkook," you called out timidly and touched his shoulder to gently rouse him.

Jungkook shot up in his seat, surprised by your voice, "Sorry, my mind was far away," he said smoothly and beckoned you to sit next to him on the leather sofa, "Once in a while, I like to daydream about how I'm going to spend my father's fortune." he added nonchalantly.

"Are you sure you haven't had too much to drink?" you replied with an easy smile.

"Not more than I usually do," he added gleefully with a mischievous laugh.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor?"

"Anything for you darling, what is it?" Jungkook said coyly.

"Can I crash here for the night? I don't really feel like calling an Uber and I'm too drunk to drive back safely." You watched his eyes for a reaction, no doubt you looked like a pitiful pup.

"Of course!" Jungkook replied affectionately, flashing his dazzling smile, "I have so many rooms in this place, you can choose whichever one you like, apart from the master suite, which is mine." He finished by giving you a playful wink.

With that Jungkook toured you around the apartment and led you to a lavishly decorated single-bedroom with an ensuite. At the far end of the room, past the mahogany desk and leather recliner, the floor to ceiling glass windows perfectly displayed the cityscape. You stood staring into the distance, trying to gather your thoughts and recuperate from the barrage of emotions coursing through you.

Silently, Jungkook came to stand by your side so as not to disturb your train of thought. After a moment you noticed his presence next to you. He stood calm and unfaltering, and for a brief moment you caught a glimpse of the poised gentleman he had been brought up to be, behind his party boy facade.

"Jungkook," you began, but instantly regretted calling out his name, not sure what to say.

He gazed down at you, coffee coloured doe eyes showing that he was eagerly waiting on your every word and move.

You felt a blazing rush of affection towards Jungkook - a man you barely knew. In the heat of the moment you leaned upwards and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips, eyes closed and hands lingering on his broad shoulder, while you tried to find a comfortable position.

So lost in the kiss, you didn't notice how rigid Jungkook stood, or the fact that he was holding his breath and had his eyes wide open in panic. He placed his hands in yours and unlocked his lips.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed in astonishment, "I'm flattered...But I think you've got the wrong idea." You watched as his usually olive coloured skin turned crimson.

"W-what...Sorry, Jungkook...That was too much." you awkwardly tucked your hair behind your ear, trying to avoid all eye contact.

"No, no," Jungkook said, still stunned, "This has nothing to do with me thinking you're gross or something. It's because, I'm gay."

Now it was your turn to be surprised, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" You covered your face in shame, "You're so attractive and I don't know what came over me. I guess it's cos I've had such a terrible night with Jaehyun and Mark fighting over me. I just needed some physical human contact..." you trailed off, unsure of what you really wanted to say or needed in this moment.

"I understand," Jungkook tenderly replied, "Come sit with me on the bed, we can talk about it, if you like?"

"Thanks, that would put my mind at ease," you could feel tears once again welling up in your eyes and your throat becoming choked up with emotion, "I don't know who to take as my lover. Mark is so kind and sweet, he's everything I want in a boyfriend...But I'm still hung up on Jaehyun, he's just so perfect in every way, yet he's totally out of my league."

"Pfft! Who cares about whether or not he's in your league?" Jungkook snickered, "Why not just go for Jaehyun? You seem to really like him and by the way he was talking about you tonight...Well, seems like he has feelings for you too."

"What? You talked with him tonight?"

"Yeah, after Mark beat him in the fight, which I must say, really hurt Jaehyun's ego, he started babbling on about you. I think he had drunk too many Martinis and then all of a sudden this emotional gushy word vomit started coming out of his mouth. Something about how he hadn't treated you right, and how he didn't love his girlfriend, but couldn't break up with her for some reason. Anyways, I hope I'm not boring you to death?"

"No not at all!" You blurted out, hands raised and ears pricked up in attention.

"Well after that I was certain he had gone mad and was definitely drunk, so I called an Uber and sent him back home." Jungkook finished his story and took another sip of his cocktail, "What ever shall I do with my friend ? He's great when he's sober, but when he's drunk Jaehyun's an absolute slob and will pick a fight with anybody."

You couldn't believe that Jungkook had revealed that Jaehyun still had feelings for you. Whether they were lingering or true feelings of love was something you would think about later "I love him, but he has a girlfriend." you quietly admitted to yourself, shattered by the thought of Jaehyun going home to someone else.

"Oh!" Jungkook looked off to the side, wide-eyed and speechless for once in his life, "Ummm well I thought that drunken blabbing about his psycho girlfriend was all a lie...But apparently not," he mumbled capriciously, "Well, my recommendation is that you definitely don't want to become a side piece, been there done that."

You broke down in tears and sobs, Jungkook took you into his arms and let you cry into his shoulder, frowning at the wet patch that you were creating on his Versace jacket. He would have to buy a new one at this rate.

"Hey, being single isn't so bad! You can just wait for Jaehyun to come off the market." Jungkook said, trying to sooth your worries, but deep down he knew no words other than Jaehyun's own could console your aching heart.

As you sobbed in Jungkook's arms you lost sense of time and reason, soon falling into a fitful sleep. Bitterly twisting and turning on the plush bed, your dreams were plagued by the fight between Mark and Jaehyun that had unfolded earlier on in the night.

Writer's note:

Hey how are you? How are you enjoying the story so far ? Please feel free to leave a comment, I love replying to readers. Tell me if I need to improve anything. 

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