My parents

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You and Charlie woke up the next morning around the same time. Well you assumed you did. When you had awoken Charlie was already awake and tracing circles onto your stomach. When you had asked him how long he was awake he replied with not long.

"Charlie." You sighed.

"What is it love."

"We have to tell my parents today."

"What do you mean we? Do you really want me to come."

"Charlie you are the father of this miracle baby if you don't come they will hate you even more."

"Alright then I'll go."

You and Charlie got ready and you went to the front door but before you could grab your purse Charlie scooped it up.

"What are you doing?" You laughed.

"I don't want you to strain yourself." He replied and you laughed leaving the door.

Surprisingly outside laid a car.

"I owled one of my friends because I don't want to splinch the baby or something if we apparated."

"Oh I love you."

"Your going to love me even more look at this." Charlie said getting into the car with you and he pressed a small button.

"My dad did a little bit of invisibility work on this and it flys."

"Oh my goodness." You laughed as the car took off in the air.

"Before you ask yes I know how to drive I learned a few years back."

You laughed. The car eventually came to a stop in front of your parents house.

You knocked on the door and your mother appeared.

"Y/n?! Charlie?! What do I owe the pleasure of a random visit."

"Is dad here we have to talk."

"Yea one second come in."

You could hear your dad saying something about why Charlie was there before he came out and gave you the kindest smile he could muster which wasn't very kind.

"What did you need to tell us?" Your mom asked.

You could tell Charlie was nervous so you have his hand a small reassuring squeeze.

"I know dad that you don't like Charlie but I felt he needed to be here today."

"Do you have a illness are you going to die?" Your mom asked frantically

"No no I don't."

"Then he doesn't need to be here." Your dad said grumpily.

"Yes he does. I found out the other day some life changing news that me and Charlie never thought would happen. I'm pregnant."

"Oh my gosh. Really?! I thought there was only a 5% chance." Your mom exclaimed

"That's because there was but apparently miracles happen."

"Don't tell me this guy is the father." Your dad pointed to Charlie.

"Dad I swear to Merlin. I know you don't like him why can't you just be happy for me. He was so happy when I told him even though we weren't trying. He carried around my purse today looking all silly so I wouldn't strain myself. He bought a car so that we wouldn't apparate and hurt the baby and you still can't get over it. Let's go Charlie." You said standing up and walking over to the door. "This was the last straw dad I don't ever want to see your face again."

Unloveable (Charlie Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now