When you fall asleep on them - Part I

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[ the demons are really soft with you when you fall asleep on their shoulder on the train <3 thank you so much to everyone for being so encouraging to me with this book, the comment threads keep making me laugh so much and thank you for the lovely suggestions of stuff you'd like to see, they always inspire me!! <33 ]

Part I - Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer, Mammon, Levi

He peeks down at you nestled against him, looking awfully touched. Your head doesn't usually reach as high as Diavolo's shoulder when he's sitting next to you, but he'd been shuffling around in his seat trying to get comfortable, and you drifted off when he was in an awkward position. The seats on this train are too small for him even in first class, but Diavolo holds still for the rest of the journey no matter how oddly he's arranged, there's nothing that could make him disturb your soft expression as you sleep on him. If he already knows he's allowed to be gentle with you, he'll rest his face in your hair for a moment, murmuring "love you...", then scrunching his eyes and smiling at you even while you can't see, his heart feeling too full.


He'd been quietly talking to you about this and that while you gazed out the train window together, you're both feeling sleepy and content after a long day. When Barbatos realises you've drifted asleep against his shoulder, he gives the softest laugh under his breath, whispering "ah... pardon me", thinking he must've been keeping you awake when you needed a nap. He shushes up, gently resting his arm over you, so that you don't accidentally slip forward if the train gets too bouncy while you sleep. Now that he's not murmuring to you though, you stir and make a distressed face, and Barbatos immediately feels a pang through his chest, he's chuckling at your cuteness but his heart also hurts in an unfamiliar way. "Shall I keep on then?" Barbatos says kindly while you're fast asleep, then he keeps softly speaking to you about all manner of things to soothe you, asking you little questions even though you can't hear, such as "you know you'll always have me, hm?"


You had started to feel slightly anxious on the train, so Lucifer asked if he could stay close so that he might be of comfort to you. Even though Lucifer projects quite a foreboding presence as his status quo, he's also nothing but deeply reassuring when you need him, making you feel like everything is under control and that nothing bad could ever happen to you on his watch.

He sits low in his seat so that he isn't looming over you, and when you drift to sleep on his shoulder, he'll gently curl his fingers under yours, his throat suddenly feeling tight as Lucifer looks at your smaller hand, he feels it's probably for the best that you didn't have to see his expression right now. Trying to swallow, he even makes a decent attempt to stop fixing mildly threatening glares on every other poor demon who happens to pass through the carriage, he knows he can be awful when he feels protective like this and you might not like it. If you drift in and out of sleep, he'll softly tell you some funny or embarrassing stories about himself to cheer or distract you, and also to let you know he's not that scary when you're feeling vulnerable.


He'd been enjoying quite a few of the complimentary first-class drinks on this train, so Mammon's face is all blushed and happy while he sits with you, he's being a bit loud and boyish and trying to amuse you. You find it very cute when Mammon is being silly and putting on his best for you like this, and you giggle together for ages until you end up drifting to sleep on Mammon's shoulder. Mammon can't help making an "oh..oh... aww??" sound under his breath when he sees you, feeling all goopy and emotional from all the drinks. Then he gently rests his head on top of yours and closes his eyes too, the small weight of your head on his shoulder makes his heart feel like it's going to burst for how much he always wants to be yours.

Later, you find out Mammon was apparently softly snoring while you curled into each other, which his younger brothers tease him about to no end, and Satan sighed and said you're just lucky Mammon didn't dribble on you, to which Mammon exploded in defence, saying that would never happen. Later Mammon hesitantly asks if you'd be mad if he did accidentally dribble on you, but you just laugh, asking if he's still tipsy because nothing he could do would make you love him less.


You're both nestled close to each other on the train, talking about nonsense and playing a game on Levi's handheld device. But Levi is even sleepier than you, and he keeps yawning uncontrollably and messing up things that he's supposed to do in the game. You're affectionately teasing him and saying he's going to make you fall asleep too, and Levi keeps blinking-back tears from his eyes and sputtering apologetically every time he yawns, saying "eh.. gah, not again, haha, noo, I can't help it, s-sorry!!"

You were just making him laugh and you didn't actually think he was going to make you fall asleep, but Levi is really on a roll, so you jokingly clamp your hand over his mouth while he giggles ridiculously. "I'm good... haha, I'm good!" Levi tries to tell you, yawning even while he's saying this. But then a moment later Levi stares at you in surprise, you've drifted to sleep and your hand is still half-covering his face. "Ah.. um-?" Levi is trying not to crack up, wondering how you both get into these situations. But you're being so adorable that now he's all awake with nervous fidgeting, so he just cups his hand near your cheek, scrunches shut his eyes and tries to nap, wanting to be just as cute for you too.

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