Things they'll let you do and no one else - Part II

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Part II - Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie

He'll humour you every time you start a 'who can hold their breath underwater longest' competition, even though for Levi this is a couple of hours. He'll just happily gaze at you underwater and gently poke you in the side and ribs, as if you're both in a staring competition where he's trying to make you laugh instead. You always do start laughing and of course go up for air first. On the very rare times you hold-out for ages, Levi will eventually tug you to the surface, getting too worried because he knows you actually need to breathe. Levi will shyly keep close to you even if he knows you can swim perfectly well.

He'll let you trim his hair when it gets too long, or do small beauty things for him that he feels self-conscious messing around with otherwise, like tidying his brows, or putting some balm on his lips. He finds it cute and sweet that you would be so soft with him- even if he doesn't think he looks very nice, he adores it with his whole heart when you show him you genuinely do.

He'll let you affectionately pull the tip of his tail, even though he's warned you several times that if you do that, he might reflexively wrap his tail tight around your wrist. Despite his warnings its never happened so far, and Levi will just glance over his shoulder, finding it funny. Once, Levi winds his tail softly around you while you're both watching an anime, looking incredibly comforted when you only seem happy to have it there.


Even if he's in his demon form, he lets you dress him up in a really cute silly outfit and tie a bow around his neck, as if he was a kitten. If you find it cute to see him like this, he'll tentatively try a few other cute kitten things, like nudging you with his head or gently biting your hand if you place it near his face. He'll blush and appreciate any gentle encouragement for his behaviour if you ever want him to do it again.

If you're laying on your stomach reading a book, Satan will sometimes come and sprawl on top of you with no explanation whatsoever, saying he'll be your blanket.

If you visit him down in the kitchens while he's on dinner duty, he'll initiate some sort of scuffle with the pastry icing, laughing if you play along with him no matter how exhausted he is from class. When you manage to swipe him on the nose, Satan keeps the smudge of pastel-pink icing there the whole evening to amuse you, pretending he doesn't see anything amiss even when Asmo hands him a pocket mirror, woefully concerned.


Lets you bathe with him while he needs to shave his legs, even though he normally considers this to be incredibly personal and intimate, as you might accidentally brush against his legs when they weren't silky-smooth. You reassure Asmo that you find him beautiful no matter what personal grooming he chooses, and your words mean so much to him that he says if you want, it would be cute if you shaved each other's legs (or he could do something else for you, if you don't shave). You like taking care of Asmo a lot though, and you think it's sweet when Asmo shyly rests his foot on your knee, feeling loved.

He can handle quite a bit of demonus, but after one special occasion, he realises he's had one drink too many. He calls you to ask if you can come get him and walk him home, even though he feels vulnerable and less than his best. You're nearly back at the House of Lamentation when Asmo self-consciously wails that he's going to be ill and begs you to pretend it's not happening, but you stay close enough to make sure he's alright. He tearily says he'd never look at him again if he was you, but you're patient and soothing with him, taking him back to his bedroom and helping him change out of his party clothes and take a cool shower.

You say you'll keep a trashcan next to you in case he doesn't feel well in the night, and Asmo can't believe you would still hold his hand and sleep next to him after you saw something so gross. But he also says that he's so glad he called when he needed you, and that he's never felt cared-for like this. He'll go to sleep with his head tucked into the crook of your shoulder and arm, finally trusting that you'll still be there when he wakes.


Lets you wriggle under his jumper when it's cold, so that he can zip you both up as best he can. He'll look slightly perplexed when he realises you're now basically nose-to-nose, but then Beel just beams contentedly, glad he can keep you warm now.

If you enthusiastically challenge him to an arm-wrestling competition, Beel will sincerely ask if you actually want him to use any force, or whether you wanted him to let you win. He's not joking at all, he looks really heartfelt. You can't help finding it sweet that he doesn't care about pretending you're any sort of match for him, he just wants to see you smile.

If he's sleepy, he'll come over to where you're sitting and rest his head in your lap. Beel will let himself drift-off like that, even if he's in an odd position and knows he'll feel sore later. He knows that you sometimes wish you could carry him to bed the way he can with you, so if he half wakes-up and you gently guide him to his matress, he'll softly squeeze your hand and say 'thank you for carrying me' in a low, sleepy voice afterwards, as if you did.


Running round and round through the sprinklers outside when it's hot.

Buying cheap white canvas sneakers so that you can both draw and colour each other's shoes with markers.

Standing in the middle of a clearing and yelling weirdly innocuous words like 'toast!!!!!!' as loud as you can to relieve stress.

Lets you tie a scrunchy in the top of his hair so he has a sticky-uppy ponytail.

Lets you pinch his nose or cover his mouth if he yawns (this will also make him laugh and make his ears feel blocked, but he still finds it too funny and cute).

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