When you're trying not to act sick (but you obviously are)

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[ agh the story in Mammon's birthday event went straight to my heart I adored it?? I think I was tearing-up with happy tears in every second scene oh my god x'DD also Diavolo only has to say one line and I am smiling like a dork, I honestly love him <3 ]


His face is filled with concern when you sneeze, he halts whatever he's doing and murmurs a heartfelt "ohh....", frowning at you as he tries to determine if you're alright. If you have to sneeze again, his eyebrows will furrow in even greater sympathy, he's not taking his eyes from you until he's sure you're okay.

If you apologise or feel slightly embarrassed, Diavolo will just shake his head, completely dismissing that notion and saying you haven't done anything embarrassing. You joke that you're not going to get away with a third sneeze before he summons a team of royal physicians, and Diavolo laughs at being called-out like this, agreeing with you and saying he'll do his best not to worry, but could you please let him know if you need anything.


Will note that you sneezed and it's not something he often sees, but he's perceptive enough to realise you're trying not to draw attention to yourself. If you're out with the others, he'll occupy their attention himself so that no one pays too much mind to you. If you keep sneezing though, Mammon will loudly accuse Lucifer of being cold and ignoring you when you're clearly dying over here, to which Lucifer will reply with the darkest of glares, silencing any further conversation on the topic before it can start.

Lucifer does have a quiet moment of self-doubt as you both leave the group afterwards, wondering if he misread the situation or if you would've preferred a word of comfort from him. He gently touches his hand to the middle of your back, both seeking an unspoken reassurance from you, but also suddenly needing to show that he cares.


You stifle a sneeze and it sounds painful, so Mammon is immediately all: "huh?? What was that...? Ya gonna start worryin' me now or something?" He's awkwardly patting your back and rubbing your shoulder, not really sure why you held it in like that. If you keep stifling more sneezes, Mammon switches to a mild panic, saying "hey, hey, whatcha keep doing that for, you're gonna hurt yourself!!"

You reply that you can't help it, but Mammon starts grumbling that sure you can, just sneeze normally already, you're being annoying. You find it kind of adorable that he's this worked up, you're also trying to explain that you really don't want to get him sick. If you sneeze any number of times more, Mammon's volume will steadily increase along with his protests, you'll have to pet him and shush him and say it isn't hurting you, but he doesn't believe you and says it's hurting him just listening to you.


"Ooop- gesundheit!" he'll grin, happy to use a new catchphrase every time you sneeze, thinking you're being really cute and funny. "Bless you! Salute! Odaiji ni!" He'll go through every human language and expression he can think of, before "Um, are you okay?? Do humans normally sneeze this much??"


Will glance at you and frown, wanting to confirm you're alright without pointing out that you don't exactly sound like it. When you sneeze again he'll offer a curt "okay there?", then feel annoyed at himself for not choosing a softer phrase, thinking he possibly came across as being fed-up of your behaviour.

If you keep sneezing, he'll stop and look at you worriedly, then reach a hand to your shoulder, in case you need to lean on him for support. When you're done, he'll say something to help you feel less awkward in the moment, like "phew, I thought I was bad..." then smile at you sincerely, not minding if you tease him back.


He snuggles up to you, straight away saying that you sound all sniffly and adorable. He thinks it's even more adorable that you even tried to pretend you weren't sick, he's not going along with that ruse for a second. He'll comment without fail every time you sneeze, all 'aww, better?~' and sometimes copying the sound you make to affectionately tease you, thinking you're being awfully cute.


Frowns at you, not liking the sound of your sneezing at all. Beel asks you why you're doing that, looking at you with such concern and sincerity that you can't bring yourself to try and hide it. When you admit you're not feeling the best, he instinctively wants to stay close to you and make it better, reassuring you that he doesn't get sick easily so you don't have to worry about him.


Seeing you sneeze makes him have some sort of sympathetic reaction, Belphie suddenly needs to sneeze immediately after you. He smirks and looks pleased to have your attention if you glance at him in amusement, happy to have distracted you or momentarily cheered you up.

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