Sleepy cuddles with them in bed

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[ did anyone get anything from 'love and care'? I have Barb and Belphie's hurt/comfort stories now and ajfshs I found them adorable!!! also for the 'spies' event... it was quite different I thought?? I actually really loved it! (+ the image of Mammon and Barbatos getting into a hand-to-hand fight.. for some reason it made me laugh a lot xD ]


Diavolo is usually half-awake before you, but he'll stay quietly tucked at your side, gently resting his face against your arm so he can be close to you without shuffling around and being a nuisance. If you peek open an eye, he'll ask in the softest voice (which you only ever hear when he's with you) whether he can wrap his arms around you for a cuddle. He also just loves the word 'cuddle', and he gets the biggest smile if you sleepily hug-tackle him, his nose scrunching in affection like this is all he ever needs. He actually loves sleeping right on top of you if he's allowed, he's incredibly aware of being careful and not squishing you though.


Another early riser, Barbatos feels he's being terribly indulgent by letting himself sleep-in instead of getting up and making you both tea. He'll softly murmur "...come here?", which sounds as much as a question as a heartfelt request, holding an arm out to you in case you want to lay on his shoulder for a pillow or have him hold you. He'll tentatively rest his face against your hair if he's permitted to cuddle, trying but utterly failing to hold back an emotional sort of expression and blush. He feels like his voice sounds awful or too low in the morning when he wants to talk to you more softly, so he'll keep quiet or try to politely clear his throat too many times, then feel very embarrased and touched if you just keep gently cuddling or pat his back, trying to make him feel better.


He'll make a husky, affectionate sort of sound as soon as you both wake, heavily pulling you on top of him and turning his face into your neck while his arms close around your back. His breathing is still sleep-roughened as he nestles into you, he'll try to murmur "good morning" or "I love you" but he's actually so sleepy that the only reason you can understand him is from knowing him that well. In short, Lucifer definitely isn't a morning person, he's just very, very good at pretending he is. He doesn't mind letting you see that he needs a bit of softness from you though (if you press a kiss to his face while he's all cuddly like this, he can't help smiling even while his eyes are too heavy to open).


He'll croakily mumble your name a few times as soon as he wakes, as if still not quite believing that he's allowed to curl up next to you, or that you haven't maybe left him alone in the night. He adores it if you gently reach out to rub his back or pull him into a hug, even when he's all warm and blurry from sleep. Mammon gives the biggest, most unselfconscious hugs in return, clumsily bumping his face against the side of yours and being fully prepared for all the consequences of oversleeping to stay with you, it was all worth it. "Aww... dammit.. I can't stop smilin' now... agh, s-stop lookin', ya hear.."


He's so touched about sleeping in your arms that he's helplessly jittery at first, he's nervous that he'll sleep weird and somehow weird you out, or he'll accidentally change into his demon form like a crazy person, or dribble on your pillow, or pull your blanket away from you, or say something incredibly embarrassing in his sleep. So he appreciates it with all his heart if you just gently hold him and let him snuggle his head in the crook of your shoulder, saying you could also fetch his ruri-chan pillow if he needs something familiar. Levi splutters a small laugh- "d-don't say that! I d-don't need a comfort pillow, I'm just an idiot who needs y-you!!" What you said nearly makes him teary over how much he loves you though, after awhile he'll mutter very softly "h-hey. Thank you."


Just-woke-up Satan is an oddly self conscious mix of wanting to be very dignified and not ruin any possible good impression you might have of him, and wanting to just let himself be held, or let himself yawn while you're cuddling him, or let you see him with puffy, sleepy eyes which he can't help at all (and you maybe telling him that he's still cute to you like that). This results in him being both prickly and sensitive, trying to hint to you that he wants an embrace, being stiff at first when he gets one, then holding you incredibly tightly if he feels like you might let go. One time he can't stifle a wide yawn, and before he can manage an "ugh...excuse me", you've already said "aww, it's like you're my kitten!" and Satan can't process whether this is the cutest thing he's ever heard and doesn't deserve.


He gives the most genuine, unguarded smiles when he first wakes up, then leans in to press gentle kisses to your face. He unashamedly wants the first thing you hear to be how head-over-heels he is for you, because as much as he feels like this in itself is a high compliment, he also just wants you to know that you're unconditionally loved. He'll happily cuddle for hours, even though he tends to get the sniffles in the morning, which he hates, not to mention bed hair, which will actually make Asmo laugh and scrunch up his eyes if you stroke your fingers through his bangs, apologising for being messy and telling you that it isn't because he loves you less, then hiding the most heartfelt expression in your sleeve when you say you know.


Beel never looks the slightest bit tired in the morning, he just gazes at you contentedly, never feeling impatient even if you wake up late. He'll gently move you into his arms to keep you warm, then apologise sincerely if his stomach makes a noise or he accidentally wakes you up. He likes when instead of getting up straight away, you play with his hair or rest his face in your hands while you both tell each other half-forgotten stories. Once, he told you that he used to gently untangle Lilith's hair for her in the morning, and that Lucifer did too, even though he'll probably never talk about that now.


Belphie wants you to snuggle with him in bed for as long as possible, so he'll make sure you're super comfy, then affectionately tangle himself all over you, asking which of his dreams you want to hear from last night. If you need anything, like a drink of water, he'll be surprisingly enthusiastic in nipping out of bed in his socks and onesie to fetch one for you, then dive back under the blankets while yelping "aah, cold, cold! hgnh, I need you to warm me up now...". Truth be told he isn't wrong, Belphie's nose and the tips of his ears will be freezing even if he was out of bed for less than a minute. He'll shiver cutely and try to make himself look far more woebegone than his smile would imply, hoping he'll get lots of kisses and cuddles from you in return.

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