If they get the hiccups

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[ some of these chapters I wrote when I was so deeply moved by something that happened in the story... and then there's this ≧≦ xD ]


Much to his dismay, this happened to him during a student council meeting, when Diavolo was trying very sincerely to get everyone enthused for a new suggestion of his. He'll earnestly add "-I'm sorry-" after each hiccup, then keep talking, feeling this is no reason to stop an important meeting. But then he laughs and expresses that since everyone is staring at him with such embarrassment and looking like they feel very sorry for him, he'll just have to continue his talk later, he feels too bad to keep worrying everyone.


You notice Barbatos becomes mildly distracted while you're walking together, and then he looks positively downcast, saying "I beg your pardon-" with such gravity that you think he's made a grievous mistake that you're not aware of. He'll excuse himself from your presence, and even though you can't guess the exact reason, you think he might need a word of reassurance. You text a photo of you in the kitchen with the box of store-bought tea bags he hates, saying "do you want me to make a delicious cup of this and bring it up to your room??" there's a pause, before Barbatos texts back "that made me laugh." And then "...thank you."


He'll laugh under his breath and roll his eyes as soon as the hiccups start, saying "ugh... well this isn't good" then he'll continue on with whatever task you're doing together, raising his eyebrows in expectation and then shaking his head in mock-grief when they happen, jokingly saying "don't tell Asmo about this. He'll never stop saying it's cute."


He'll get the giggles as soon as he notices, saying "does this mean someone's thinking about me? oh wait, maybe that's something else-" then he can't help being amused while this is going on, pardoning himself for being annoying and affectionately saying you're allowed to boot him out of your room any time now if he's getting on your nerves.


He's in quite a bit of discomfort as he never wishes to accede to anything so undignified in front of you or anybody else. So instead he just keeps wincing and managing not to hiccup at all, eventually he just looks incredibly unhappy and you ask what's wrong. Lucifer shakes his head, but he's become too accustomed to letting his guard down around you, and a quiet sound escapes him before he can help it. You know he's about a second away from following this with a curt warning glare, so you innocently hold up your hands, indicating you're not saying anything, you just leave a glass of water next to him and back yourself teasingly out of the room.


You're pretty sure he's only making matters worse when he keeps saying things like "oww!" or "agh, why won't this stop??" Since you're both in the common room with the others, Satan and Asmo eventually get snappy with Mammon and tell him to go for a walk rather than disturbing the rest of them. You often feel like it isn't your place to intervene, but tonight you tell the younger brothers to back off, Mammon's doing his best and he didn't come here to spoil anyone's night. Satan and Asmo both look incredibly abashed, Lucifer looks quietly approving, and Mammon's so shocked that his hiccups immediately disappear, he gives you a smile like you're his hero.


He clamps both hands over his mouth and also pinches his nose, he has no idea how to stop this and keeps staring at you in fraught apology, hoping you can interpret a lengthy essay about how he desperately hopes you don't think he's absolutely pathetic right now from his expression alone. He'll calm down if you try to make him see the funny side, eventually he finds it a bit touching if you think his overreaction was cute or amusing, then he even gives you a shy grin, saying he doesn't mind you giggling at him since it's you.


He keeps himself turned away from you because he's frustrated and embarrassed, then keeps rearranging things in his bedroom, trying to distract himself because he can't stand the ridiculous noise he keeps making. After a while he mutters "pardon.. sorry", then sighs and hangs his head, saying "this is getting a bit painful...". You give him a determined nod, saying "it sounds serious. I'll go get Lucifer", before Satan's mouth drops open and he yells "-hey!", scrambling to catch your arm as you march toward the door. You peek back at him, giving a wry smile. Satan slowly exhales in relief, smirking and softly laughing as he tells you that technique was a little too effective and he's impressed.


He'll moan "oh nooooo" the first time it happens. If he's in his bedroom he'll dramatically dive under the blanket, but if you're in public he'll pull his scarf over the lower half of his face or half-hide behind you, fretting and saying he feels really silly right now. If you try to reassure him he'll wave his hands at you and blush, saying "aah, you're being so nice to me! It would be cute if it was you, but... well.. aww, you really are making me feel better, you know..."


On the very rare time Beel does get the hiccups, he'll look so sad even though it barely lasts five minutes, saying he'll have to pause from his meal now. You hate to see him so mournful so you rub his back a little, hoping to cheer him up. Beel shyly beams up at you, saying thank you for being kind and that if anyone could cure him, it would be you.


He gives you a fright as it happens while he's hugging you, Belphie immediately looks startled and pulls away, saying "oops! that wasn't the best timing... ahh sorry, um. Haha, I'm embarrassed now." He tells you to hold on, then tries not to self-consciously laugh as he drinks a whole bottle of water, saying this trick usually works. You both wait expectantly in the seconds that follow, before Belphie softly laughs again and says "ta-dah. All fixed. ...heh, uh, am I still allowed to hug you... sorry.."

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