Prince Hutcherson

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This is my first story and I can only use my iPod so sorry if this story has terrible grammar and such. I've also only had a few relationships and they weren't that serious so also sorry if it gets unrealistic or cheesy... Please comment and criticism doesn't bother me so if it is really that terrible feel free to tell me so and hell, tell me to kill myself, it doesnt get to me!!!


Coral's POV

Lord Hutcherson (the famous Prine Hutcherson's father) ruled with an iron fist. Many laws were created when he took the throne. The most imbecilic was that you must be wed within the month you are of age. He was having none of the jobless free Hoolagins in his kingdom. Because of that almost no one married for love, it was all arranged marriages out of fear for being thrown in the dungeon like all the other law breakers.

Worse, many peasants died of hunger everyday. My family and I are barely making by and we only have three to tend to (Father, an old palace guard Barry, and I) I felt bad for other families, the ones that had around five children and others to care for. Watiching the commeners mope to and from their vocation to make what little they can is very disheartening, especially knowing that you can do nothing. My father is the village blacksmith but recently we have lost needed customers to a new blacksmith.

"Coral, please come in here." Father called from the melting room. He had named me Coral because we lived near the ocean, though we were not aloud in a fifty foot radius of it. He had found the warm sand and strong sweeping waves both feminine and strong.

"Yes Father, what do you need?" I replied, inching my emaciated build into the steaming room. I swear you could melt metal in here, oh wait...

"You'll be 16, or of age in Lord Hutcherson's eyes in a couple weeks and you'll only have one month to be wed. You shall not be miserable with an arranged marriage if I can help it do start looking for a respectable man." he stated wearily.

" I will Father, but we need food to live to my wedding day." I said weakly. We could not live off a mouth full of food everyday.

Barry ambled into the room. "I could go for food, Coral, why don't you come with me. You're old enough." I could not believe my ears. We had recent had to find ninety percent of our food in trash bins and scraps in the street, maybe we were getting desperate. I was out the door immediately, I wanted to provide for my family so bad.

Barry was not too far behind me and he winked at me. I knew he knew that I would be a great help in this search for food for my slight figure could slip almost anywhere to find wasted food anywhere. One third if a burnt loaf of bread and two chunks of slightly moldy cheese later, I looked up at the palace on the hill. They were done with their nightly feast by now and probably tossing the wonderful food. In fact I could see the siloet of , probably a servant, tossing something in a bin near the wall. Food, glorious food, rich filling food fit for a queen. Fit for us peasants down here. I wanted that food.

So I went for it. " I'm going do the palace!" I hissed to Barry and started sprinting up the hill. Well, Ive never ran faster in my life, though my lack of food. He stopped following after a while an just like that I was up the hill, near the guarded wall. Barry had told me tale of a passage,and I needed to find it. Remembering the rhyme he had told me while I was little, I searched for a big, perfectly round stone about three feet from the wall, stealthily to make sure not to be caught. There it was, right in front of me, who would have guessed it would be so easy. Pushing the rock with all my force, it rolled enough to expose a small tunnel, which you could tell didn't go too far. The entrance was not very large bit I could slip in with ease, unlike Father or Barry ever could. I rolled the rock back into place and walk a few yards forward in the dark.

I came to a cobblestone platform above me and imdiately pushing up on it, throwing cation to the wind. Luckily, none of the guards on the outside of the wall even heard, so I continued to pull myself out of the ground. I saw I was in a big garden with a cobblestone path where I had emerged. The trash bins were just ahead so I began to ease towards them to get my hands on the wonderful smelling garbage. I was pulling out half eatin legs of lamb, slices of perfect bread, and goblets half unspilled full of what I think is apple juice.

Everything was gathered in my jacket and I was pulling more out of the leftover wasted food ready to take It all back to the I shut passage.

"Hey! Get out of our trash, trespasser!!!" someone shouted from the highest balcony, the floor where the royal family lived.

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