Part 9

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What did you think!? I don't ever get emotional but I tested up as I read it aloud. I wasn't even sad (I was angry at king Jiinx) but I was teary. Really, I don't know why u was about to cry at all. We're coming up on Coral's "Best night of her life". Enjoy


Coral's POV

Tonight, my father knew where I was going. Tonight, I knew where I was going too; straight into Josh's arms where he we would hug and kiss and he would tell me about him convincing his dad. "Father, I'm going! I love you." I shouted from the other room. I was too excited to even pay mind to his reply. Like usual. I sprinted up the hill and was hurriedly shoving the big round rock. I looked up to see josh in the window, no doubt waiting for me. He looked like was wiggling with excitement and muffling his happy cries do his father would not hear. I told him to never tell how we've been meeting and I'm sure he didn't, being the perfect human being he is.

I it seemed like an eternity until I began heaving the cobblestone passage block over me. I got up and slipped over to the wall. Before I could even grab the vines, guards made their way over to me. I froze in my spot a looked around, trying to find a way out of this trap. I must've looked like a deer in the lanterns that hang on the outside of the caravans. I looked up at Joshua and realized that he was tied and gagged. He was not wiggling with excitement but struggling to get free; he wasn't muffling a cry if happiness but one of warning and rage. But it was too late.

What seemed like the head guard grabbed my arms and began crying, murmuring "I'm sorry. In sorry. I'm sorry." repeatedly. I was terrified, and took the first fist to the face. I have a cry of pain and got kicked soon the shins so hard that I could not stand and I was only staying up because of my held arms; which was also paining me for he was pushing my shoulder blades together and rubbing. At the second hit to the face I could no longer see but I could hear the guards whispering about a few more hits and feel the blood gushing out of my nose, forehead cut, and welts on my shins. Suddenly, none of my senses were working, I was unconscious.

~Later That Night~

I was somewhere dark and damp. It smelt of sadness, of that was possible. I looked up and a slender, gaunt man who Joshua told me about, that went by the name of the Foul-oh. It fit him. He was foul.

Joshua's POV

After I saw the hulking figure, I felt hope; there was no one it could be but Barry. It began climbing up the vines as im sure he figured was how we got to each other. By the time he got to the balcony I could see it was infact Barry. "Your scum." was the first thing he shot at me when he got up. He began cutting the ropes binding me. "She cared for you. She would help you any way she could, if she had the resources. She wouldnt rat you out, no matter the amount of illegal it was. I follow and stay near her to protect her physically, but after you met her, you were the only thing protecting her emotionally because she had no real, dramatic emotion line this." he spat at me like it was all me who planned it.

As soon as my gag was off I began defending myself. "I wouldn't hurt her for he world! And I didn't rat her out, it was the only way I could marry her! If I didn't tell me parents how we'd been meeting up they wouldn't have even consider it. Please believe I am not like the normal palace scum with no emotion and no love for anything but wealth." I couldn't believe that he felt that way about me.

"Whatever, I could almost do this on my own but Coral would never forgive me if I left you tied here, besides you need to look like the hero to make up for what you've done." Barry was ice cold, but from his perspective I could see why. "Now let's go." he started running out of the room.

"We can't go without some sort of protection!" I yelled after him. He stopped in his tracks, took a sword off the wall and tossed it to me, pulling out his own.

"I love adventures boy, esspesially if it's agains the palace pricks." Barry winked at me and started running again. I followed him, trying to catch up from behind. This old bastard was mutha fuckin' CRAY CRAY! I loved it.

Eventually, we reached a guard. "Barry what are you doing here, and with the prince?" he asked worriedly.

"We're here to save his love,my, like, niece. Are you in?!" Tey were obviously old friends.

"Fuck yeah!" te guard shouted excitedly. Both of them were nuts, but they were obviously good people.

We continued on, without meeting up with many people but they all loved Barry enough to join forces with us. He must have been very popular. Barry knew where he was going, the dungeon I presumed. That's where I was guessing she'd be too. What was she going to say when she saw me? Will I even get to see her? Maybe I'll die before I get to her? Right then, the best or worst thing possible happened. Everyone ran into King Jiinx.

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