Part 11

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I think I might make this one a bit longer. There probably won't be more than to or three more parts tops. Thank you to all my readers and please comment to tell me what I have done good and what I could improve on. I love comments! ;D I'm going to start another story when this one is done and it'll either be about Deltora or a very interesting romance topic. Either way... ENJOY!


Joshua's POV

Guards probably heard about te crisis upstairs and we're ordered to delay the punishment no longer. I couldn't help but to begin crying and hiccuping and hyperventilating. She was hurting because if me; because I lied to her; because I believed for one second that my king was trustworthy. That stabbed me like a sword to the back. My chest tightened and I couldn't breathe. My sight was poor for all of the tears blurring everything. I couldn't bear it and I was stumbling like some sort of drunk, blind llama. Another horrific scream. "I'll get to you, I swear it Coral." I silently swore to myself.

Coral's POV

The light-black guard cracked the whip again. I gave a wail that the heavens would hear. The coals beneath my feet burned like the depths if hell. Thank god I was held up ad away from actually touching them by the tight, clawing chains on my wrists that dug into my skin. My face sheened with tears, sweat, and blood. The damp room smelt of decay an sadness. I was stripped bare and I shivered at the icy feeling this room held but I wasn't ever going to give up hope.

"Stupid girl. Give it up and just let yourself die. The longer fight the longer we will take to kill all you love. Besides you're just a pretty face to the prince. He doesn't really love you. Look at the situation right now, he ratted you out, to be the king; because as we all know, when you marry, you take the throne almost immidiately. You should hate him like he does you." the guard was ripping at the walls surrounding my heart. Joshua softened them, like a wet clay. Maybe this was just a fling, and we didn't know it... What am I thinking?!

"He would never! He loves me as much as I do him! He'll come, you just see!" I seethed, to convince both him and myself. I was mostly sure anyways. If my face was as red as I thought it was, I wouldn't have been surprised if my head burst.

"What do you know of love, peasant girl?" he sneered.

"What do you?" I replied, my rage bubbling over.

He raised the whip again and cracked. I screamed more out of rage than pain. No one would escape my wrath as soon Joshua freed me. "You wail loud enough for the whole country to hear, but why does he still not come?" he was right, there. Why was he not coming? I glared into his soul, releasing a single, silent tear. The guard just laughed.

Joshua's POV

The cries were getting more desperate; more hurt. Why did these halls go on forever? My prayers were answered as I reached the entrance doors. I snatched the key on the door frame. The key slid in, as if it was anxious to free Coral. Well satisfied, I stole into the room. A guard seized my arms, he was expecting me.

"Tell her you don't love her to her face and she's free." he bargained with me.

"Free of harm, or you won't be." I threatened and questioned at the same time. "Sign a contract and swear on your life with witnesses and I'll agree."

"What ever you say my lord." he smirked. Once it was all said and done, I swallowed hard. At least she'd be free to hate me forever. Shuddering, I strode into her torture chamber. "It has to be believable, or deal is off." the guard with the blade to my back informed me. I nodded dreadfully. Finally I was at the room.

The guard left me alone for a second to tell the other guard of the plan but I was smart enough to stay put. The worse it would be for Coral with my actions. "Someone is here for you!" the guard who had been striking her said in a jolly, sing-song voice. I threw up in mouth a little, waiting to lie to my only happiness. I heard he gasp and curse of horror.

"Come in scum." the guard called from in the room. My legs were stiff and I walked awkwardly in. My heart leaped into my throat and my stomach into my shoes. The sight was terrible. Her hair was wild and matted with blood. Her red face was a mix of betrayal and anger, but I didn't know who it was towards; bit it would for sure be towards me once I told her why I had to.

One eye was swollen shut and bruised to a deep purple. Tear tracks were noticeable through the blood and dirt. Welts covered her whole, bare body. You could see where each lick of the whip and fire scarring her body. Her arms had almost no color, and if it was even possible, were getting whiter. The chains were digging into her skin, bruising and scraping. My angel was in the worst physical pain imaginable, bit I had to keep a straight face or the act would not be believable, which would mean worse for her.

"Wow. You look like shit! Why did you let your best quality, looks, go to waste!?" I exclaimed, forcing myself not to pour my heart and soul out to her in this state. The physical looked bearable when you compared it to the devastation on her face. I trembled slightly and immediately stopped.

"I don't think you're worth the fight when you look like this. You're a good kisser but... Not good enough for this!" I silently killed myself like five hundred billion zillion megafillion times. If it hurt me this bad just to see the expression on her face, how would it be to hear this coming from her in my worst moment of pain.

"You said...said that I was beautiful without anything but m-my personality. You sai-said you l-l-lov...loved me." her body racked with sobs. How I wanted to tell her that she was right. That I meant none of what I said. That it as all for her good and that I was put up to it.

"I did!? Was I drunk!?" what was wrong on with me!? How could I say all of this!? I was going to vomit, but I couldn't. This wasn't going to be for nothing. She just shook her head, trembling all over. "Let her go. She'll be back here in a month when not a single person in their right mind will agree to marry her. Why did I ever chance her becoming my queen. Being king is not worth a lifetime with her." I acted disgusted with her and with myself for even wanting her at one point.

The guards unlocked her chains a threw Coral her clothes. She sprinted out of the room as fast as she could. I felt empty.

Coral's POV

He called me ugly. Told me everything was a lie. That only someone insane or drunk would ever live me. I was just a pretty face and a chance to get into someone's pants. As soon I was in a quiet, isolated room and pulled on my bloody clothes. The sobs racking my body started to hurt, and I realized the pain resulted from my torture. I couldn't breathe. It was like my heart had been ripped out of my body and smashed to jelly, then slathered on a piece of toast and given to Prince Joshua Ryan Hutcherson for him to eat right in front of me. He obliterated my feel for a little snack of watching someone dying inside.

My insides jolted I hiccuped and I was sure I was going to die. Fine. At least someone would be happy to know my unsightly body could not rape anyone else's brain. I had been crying until my throat was raw and not a single tear could escape my swollen eyes. I started vomiting. My body could not take it and was trying to rid itself of the pain and memories. I curled up into the fetal position and just lay down in the corner. I could do no more. I was numb. I couldn't see or hear, only feel the pain aching everywhere I had been struck down; physically and emotionally.

Joshua's POV

"I did it, okay! My life is over and her's too. Just let me go so I can waste away knowing that I hurt the only person I do and ever will care about." I bellowed the life-ruining light-black guards.

"We know your plan. You're going to just go and find her. Elope with her. We're not that stupid." the two guards began punching their hands mincingly. Damn them calling my bluff. It didn't matter, my self defense lesson were worth getting beaten up by my instructor embarrassingly.

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