Part 7

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Hey, I will do my best to update! I'm back to school so I'll have homework every night, so I'll try my best. Not that anyone is really reading this but... I don't have a reason. So enjoy the chapter. (this one will call for some hilariously needed cussing)


Coral's POV

I woke up right at sunset this morning. I pulled my boots in and wrapped the blanket around me more tightly as I stepped out quietly onto the small front yard. Today felt peaceful. I don't know if it was that I slept so well or that I knew I was going to marry a prince. No no, THE prince. Prince Joshua.

I stared dreamily at the castle, it was black in front of the gorgeous, mute orange sun's awakening. As anyone would know, you could find many a bird mixed in with the shape of the palace. I could tell that they were preparing breakfast this moment, and Joshua was to tell them of us this morning. I smiled in spite of myself, just imagining THE King saying yes to Joshua's proposal.

I laughed out of joy and kicked some pebbles. When I looked up again I saw the palace slowly gaining a color other than black, though the top where the birds perched was still siloet. All of a sudden, every bird flew away frantically, squawking loudly.

"Da Fuck?" I whispered to myself.

Joshua's POV

It was time to face the day. Well more like face my little slice of hell. I knew my father was absolutely evil, a deceiver, though very nimble. So I had to face my father, King Jiinx. I don't know where he got his absolutely disposable qualities, certainly not from my grandfather Enndone.

I crawled out of bed and relieved my bladder before getting my head chopped off by my father. "Good Morning!" I said a to bright, pretending as if nothing happened and all was more than peachy.

"Get over hear now." he told me sternly.

"How do you misspell a word without even writing it down? I mean here and hear, that makes no sense! Really, how did you do that! You can't misspel while you talk! That's just proves how imbecilic you are!" I replied, bewildered by the fact he misspelled a word while speaking.

"U little shit. I fucking h8 u." he glared at me with THE death eyes.

"I'm still concerned about how you do that. My guess is that your mouth is fucked up because you've been sucking some serious dick. Did you tell mother of your afair with Doon, the scarred man?" I covered with my charming use of obsinities.

"U R never 2 c that scum again." he wouldnt stop with the fucked up language!

"Father, please. I am sixteen and I know what to do with my life." I stopped with my attitude to convince that I must marry the love of my life.

"U r not meh sun! U r not worthy." he was talking to me disappointedly, which was worse than anger.

"Maybe I don't want to be! Maybe it wouldn't kill YOU to be worthy of love. No one loves you father. Everyone in the palace and in the realm LOATHE YOU!" I put the truth out there. "Now I'm going to march over to Coral's forge and ask her to marry me! I will get Mother's blessing and she will be my beautiful bride!" I screeched at him.

"W8, wut about marrying? And a wohmahn from te forj 2!?" he asked, absolutely confused.

"that scum you were talking about, the love of my life from te forge. The one Maria told you about before I came down here..." I tried to convince him.

"I ment that, Maria told me she saw u bathed in bacterial water. It was not clean, very scummy, and u know how I feel about dirty things! Now what was this about marrying a forge girl?!" he told me, thinking I was te crazy 1. Gr8, now im doin it.

"So, we weren't talking about my forbidden love?" I asked hopefully.

"No." he said, waiting for an answer.

"Ummmm. Wellllllllllll. About this Coral....." I started, rubbing the back of my neck.

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