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Playing heavy metal in his car, Blake was driving towards his house. Had it not being today, he would've shaken the whole car with his moves, in the driver's seat, and with the metal banging on the stereo and putting everyone in danger. But not today as his mind was preoccupied with "stuff". Not a few minutes ago, Easton confessed that he missed him and Blake understood the feeling he had been craving for the whole day. Yet, that realization wasn't the thing that disturbed him. It was the question that why did he miss the man he met three days ago. The man who was his mate.


Blake was still frightened to admit that Easton was his mate. He was afraid to ruin the image of the perfect family he had in his head. But, now everything has changed. He found his mate, and it was Easton. It didn't matter whether his mate was a woman or a man anymore. All it mattered that it was Easton Knight.

Then again, were all these feelings of longing, wanting to touch him all the time, feeling possessive if anyone lifts an eye at him, also because of the mate bond? The answer was 'yes' and Blake was well aware of this. He was glad that he could blame all of his behavior and feelings on this mate bond and can argue that he yet wasn't gay. Regardless, somewhere deep down in his heart, he wanted all those to be true without a mate bond.

He still wanted to be with Easton and miss him when they were pulled apart, he wants to touch the man for however long to wanted to, he wanted to shout out to the world Easton belonged to him without the mate bond and it terrified him.

How was this possible when it's only been three days since he met this man? How was this possible if he never wanted him in the first place? Wasn't this too early for anything close to even 'like'? Did he like Easton Knight? Does Easton Knight like him?

"No, no, no" Blake repeated as the emotion invaded his thought process. "It doesn't even make any sense. I know nothing about him except the fact that he makes the most amazing strawberry pancakes in the world and is an irritating stupid discipline freak" he shakes his head furiously. "It's not even possible. It's all the mate bond"

Blake reached the house and parks the car in his usual spot. Unbuckling his seat belt, he watches Easton pulling into the yard. Unknowingly, it raises his heartbeat to face his mate again. Especially after that realization.

[Blake: It wasn't any realization

A: Whatever you say]

He quickly rushed out of his car and ran inside into the house without waiting for Easton. Easton stood blinking at the speed his mate has just shown. He knew Blake was on the football team of the school but the pace he just showed would beat a vampire too. He can run when he wanted to. He shook his head as he carried Blake's backpack from his car.


The house was painted grey with cream. It was a typical American house with modern architecture and seemed too big for two people.

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