28: Stay

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The wind was howling and it was raining heavily. There were no stars, no moon, just the dark night resembling the darkest pit of an abyss.

A bolt of lightning lit up in the sky and it was followed by a thunderous rumble which seemed to shake the earth.

I was standing near the window, getting lost in my own thoughts. The wind which slapped my face made me shiver but despite that, I made no attempt to move to the comfort of my bed.

I had always loved when it rained. The sound of thunder and rain never failed to make me feel better.

After rejoicing the cool air for some more minutes, I decided that it was time to retreat to my bed but I froze in my tracks when I saw a figure walking  along the path in the middle of the heavy rain.

The person was wearing a long black cloak and had a black umbrella. From her walking stance and back, I was able to deduce that it was the Queen Mother. Where was she going at this time?

Without any further delay, I slipped into my coat and headed out of my room to follow her. I took the raincoat which was kept near the doorway and hurried out of the palace.

Her footsteps were hurried but I was able to catch hold of her sight. I followed her, maintaining ample distance between us. I noticed that she was going towards the east side of the palace. I had never been there before but I had heard that the place was usually deserted. There was a gate in that direction which led to outside but it wasn't used often.

The rain was falling heavily and I was shivering badly. The fact that I was just wearing a silk negligee inside my coat didn't help at all.

Grandma came to a halt when she finally reached the black rusty Gate. The sound of the rain helped to dissolve the noise made by my footsteps. I quickly slipped behind a bush that was near to her so that I wouldn't be noticed.

I expected her to open the gate but she didn't. She waited there for a few moments, looking left and right frantically. Her face was deathly pale and she looked fearful. Why was she so scared?

"Why did you tell me to come here at this hour of night?", I nearly yelped in shock when I heard a gruff voice behind that gate.

Grandma shook slightly. I saw that her eyes were filled with unshed tears. But she gained her composure and said in that ever calm tone. "You must save him."

"If I could, I would.", The man mumbled. I couldn't make out his figure at all. They were speaking a bit louder to hear each other. So, I could listen to them clearly despite the heavy rain.

"I won't let her kill him again.", She spoke, tears slid down her face and she looked so much in pain.

"That's fate's wish. You just have to wait and watch."

"No! I refuse to! Tell me that I am worried for nothing. Tell me that he won't suffer in her hands again. I-I won't let her kill him again.", Her voice quivered.

There was momentary silence.

"He has more chances to be saved, right?", She asked. " After all, he has already married Kiara and they are happy...so happy. He doesn't remember anything. And Kiara...they aren't the same person. Otherwise she would have remembered!"

What? What would I have remembered? I watched them, as confused as ever.

"I don't know anything. You know that."

"No, you know everything! But you refuse to help him!", She cried.

"But what if she is the same person? What happens then?", The man said calmly.

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