49: One Last Time

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"Your Grace."

"You have been staring at that handkerchief daily, Your Grace.", Laila spoke softly and hesitantly, like she was afraid that I would break down at any moment. "Please eat something."

My empty eyes fell on her. But I had no hunger. "Water."

She looked at me with concern. She sniffled and poured me a glass of water. I sipped it slowly, the cold liquid soothing my parched throat a little.

My lips trembled and my eyes stung with tears. "They took papa away, Laila. . . .They took him away."

"Your Grace, please.", Her arms wrapped around my body as she tried to console me. "Everything will be fine."

"I don't even know where Papa has been imprisoned now. I don't even know if he has eaten anything. I don't even know if he is alive or not---", More sobs wracked my body.

Papa had been taken away by the King's men to be imprisoned somewhere else so that I wouldn't take any action. Anything or anyone couldn't go in and out from our estate unless the permission was given.

I kept the white handkerchief that Jungkook had used to bind my arm close to my heart, clutching it tightly since it was my only solace.

"Sssh. His Grace is surely alright. Please stay hopeful.", Laila rubbed my back.

"You have to be strong for us.", She murmured.

"I have to be strong.", I repeated.  "I have to be strong......But I am so tired...."

Tears fell from Laila's eyes. "We will get through this. We will."

We were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

"Enter.", I ordered.

"What is it?", I asked, without turning back to see the person's face since my face was stained with tears.

"You have been summoned to the palace by His Majesty, Your Grace.", A man spoke. "It's urgent."

"I will be there. Prepare the carriage."


"The King of Busan is coming to Ulsan with his General, Lady Kim."

My heart stopped for a moment.  He is coming to Ulsan.

"I don't want anyone to have an inkling about what has happened. If the party from Busan gets even the slightest hint about the matter, you can say goodbye to your dearest father.", His smile was cruel.

I made my face completely blank, so that he could not see how much I was fazed by this news.

I will never let him know that I love Jungkook.

"I understand, Your Majesty."

"The royal priest will also be brought. He will see their birth charts and settle the marriage dates. You had better be prepared for everything. After all, your sister is getting married to none other than the General Jeon of Busan. I will send men to decorate the estate.  We will give them a grand welcome.", His voice was light but laced with venom.

I clenched my fists tightly, anger coursing through my veins. I will kill him one day.

"Understood?", He asked.

I nodded wordlessly.

"Also, your sister Mayla wants to talk to you. She is waiting for you in her chamber now. You are dismissed."

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