6: Rejected

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"What the hell does he want?", I told furiously. I absolutely loathe it when I can't achieve the thing I want.

"Miss Kim, we have already sent around 10 people to Mr Jeon's mansion over these days and they have all been rejected. We have offered him the best of the best things but he hasn't budged.", The staff reported.

"Christ, what a proud man.", I said in irritation as I played with the Rubik's cube.

"Miss Kim,  Mr. Jeon doesn't want us to continue this anymore. He said that he would never be the ambassador of any product. . .of ours. . .and also that, to be a brand ambassador, the person in charge of the project should send the details regarding the product but just sending him luxurious offers has disrespected him...He said that we are making him look cheap."

"He is really getting on my nerves. What does he want? Find his weakness. It's not impossible!"

"Miss, he has all the luxuries in the world as a royal. What would he want anymore? Please rethink it, Miss Kim. Let's settle down on someone else."

"He must want something. He should want something. I am not going to believe that I will be rejected for the first time in my life. Who doesn't want to associate themselves with the Kim Industries? Does he think that our company can't afford him?", I scoffed.

"What have you offered him? List it out for me.", I asked. My arctic glare made the staff stiffen. He straightened his back and cleared his throat, the sweat beads on his forehead betraying any kind of confidence which he thought he was showing.

"We have offered him a limited edition jewellery set, a Bugatti veyron of $3.4M and 500K dollars for the contract."

Silence reigned the office room for a while and words flew out of my mouth which made the staff's eyes widen.

"That's it?", I said. "No wonder he rejected you."

The staff's eyes were as wide as saucers as he looked at me in disbelief.

"Double up everything.", I ordered.

"But Miss Kim, we can get many famous celebrities with an offer like this. Why must you insist on him?", The staff said.

"Just do as I say.", This royal will be my card to win over those rigid shareholders and give a tight slap to that CQ company on it's face. I will pay whatever price it takes.

The staff probably thought that I had gone insane. Oh well, even I thought so. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

The person reluctantly left my room with his shoulders slumped down. The heavy weight of responsibility of convincing a royal....only he knew.


"How many fucking  times do I have to repeat myself that I am not going to be the ambassador of that damned product?", Jungkook said pinching the bridge of his nose.

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