44: His Rose

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The carriage was making it's way along the rocky and dusty road. My eyes were drawn to the beautiful landscape. The cool mountain air slapped my face gently, tousling my hair. The pine trees stood in all their glory and the sound of the horses' hooves echoed against my ears.

The King had announced a hunting festival in Busan. Apparently, he held it every year after the Annual Festival. They would choose a hunting area and the country's trained fighters, soldiers, lords and ladies would be invited. It was one of the most entertaining occasions. The person who hunted the most animals would also win the prize. And I was invited for it, too.

My eyes fell on the back of the figure clad in black blazer, who was mounted on a black horse, a few metres far from the carriage that I was in. My heart stirred. Jungkook.

I still hadn't mustered up courage to talk to him.

Miserable. I felt miserable. The fact that I had been hating him for years for nothing, something which he had no power over. Guilt and regret had been overwhelming me and I couldn't meet his eyes. The pain in his eyes would flash in front of my eyes everytime, tormenting my heart.

Why did things have to be like this?

"I know that he is handsome. But can you stop oogling at him?"

My head snapped towards the Princess of Busan, Lady Luna. I was in the royal carriage along with the princess who was also attending the occasion. The whole procession along with the King's carriage, men on their horses, the Queen and the other concubines in their carriages, were travelling the rocky journey towards the hunting grounds. I had been somehow assigned in the carriage along with the princess.

She had proved to be a good companion so far, entertaining me with her thoughts and ideas. She was an outspoken lady.

"I was not staring----", I mumbled, feeling heat creep up to my cheeks.

"Oh, and I am blind.", She replied, the corners of her lips quirking up. "He is your fiancé anyways. All for you. Why do you have to stare at him so longingly? As if you have never talked to him? Has something happened? A fight? You look miserable. "

"I didn't know that you studied people."

"I have to be aware, don't I? What good of a princess would I be then? Tell me what's the matter."

"No, it's nothing.", I answered.

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me.", She shrugged.

Silence ensued. The only sound that I could hear was the rustling of leaves of trees and the neighing of the horses time and again.

"I wanted to ask something. . . .", The princess broke the silence, hesitance apparent on her face.

"What is it?"

"How did you fall in love with him?"

"What?", My eyes widened. "I am not in love---"

"Oh, please.", She scoffed. "It's all written on your face."

Am I really in love with him?

Love. Such a strange feeling. Something which just happens unknowingly and everything becomes different...everything changes...

And the best kind of love? The best kind of love is that love that hits you hard all of a sudden. Where you have no clue when you had fallen. Where you had no idea when the stars in his eyes had become the stars lighting up your night sky.

What good of a love is the love that's done intentionally, anyways?

The unintentional mysterious force that draws you towards him, sparking your very existence, that love...That's what a love should be.....Never on purpose but still destined.

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